As I was coming home from work from my 1 hr commute, I was coming around a curve going downhill at about 100 km/h, and there it was...a deer just on the side of the road about ready to jump unto the roadway. I had two options: either take the ditch or veer into oncoming traffic which neither was a feasible option. I slammed on the brakes and gripped the steering wheel real tight, and the deer decided to jump. The ABS kicked in smoothly as did the stability control and I was able to keep the Journey on track. I hit the deer with the corner of the car (passenger side) while I was still going about 90 km/h. As I hit the deer, a warning light came on saying left "signal light out". The deer was projected into the ditch and I was able to slowly rest the DJ unto the side of the road. I parked the vehicle on the side of the road, swore a bit and proceeded to go check on the deer. The deer lasted another 5 minutes. Coming back to my car, I noticed the damages all $8800 worth. :( Called the police, got the car towed back to my hometown and got it repaired by an amazing body shop (Basco collision centre) in Sudbury. Considering the damages, the wait for the Journey to get repaired was about 4 weeks. I proceeded to get a rental of which consisted a Dodge RAM, which was an amazingly beautiful truck but was a pig on gas. The rental place had no other cars so I was stuck with the RAM for a while. Finally, during the 2nd week of my rental, they called me to say they had a car which was a Corolla. Ugh! Really?? ... Finally, 4 weeks later, I got my Journey back which I am happy with despite it being repaired. Couldn't be any happier with it.
- Album created by alainbock
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