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About thomasch

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  • Region
    European Union
  1. Hello My hands-free module stopped working four months ago but I think it's normal. In last week I found time to dismantle the HFM. It was difficult but I dismantled It and sent to the company dealing with the repair of such systems. Playing with radio frequencies i started 1 month ago, so the HFM was not working in this time. Changing the region at the dealer does not change the frequency (this operation works only with the DVD if it is installed NTSC to PAL) Radio unit US and EU are the same but the information about the frequency goes from the central computer,so my qestion is: someone can hack or change settings at the system so deeply?
  2. Better late than never
  3. Hello Me and my vehicle we are in Poland, a phone call is not possible. I was hoping for more wide definite answer.
  4. Hello I have interesting question, someone help? I wanted to adapt radio from US to EU frequency. Unfortunately even after replacing the radio from Fiat Freemont and changed the region at the local dealer this operation not change the frequency. In such a situation I have question Is it possible to change radio frequency from US-> EU
  5. Hello I apologize for the language. The vehicle purchased as damaged but already is operating in 100%.
  6. I have it! This is a VVT exhaust shaft sensor. New in Dodge dealer cost 125PLN about 40$ Unfortunately I have to pick up personally from the dealer which is 60 miles from my home.
  7. I know that I need whole throttle and the missing sensor. Any name of the missing sensor showen in the example pictured engine 2.4
  8. Hello all I am new at the forum. I come from Poland when Im traveling to US i live in New Nork City. I have Journey 2013 2.4 whith I bay as damagade and slowly return to life.
  9. The car does not start without the throttle. During start-up oli is pumped through the hole and flooding the engine. Condition of the car at the auction was that the engine starts and the car is runing. At the pictures from the auction can see that the throttle is in the car. With the selection of the trottle I can handle, it's no problem to found on eBay: Manufacturer Part Number: 4591735ACAC But I do not know what is the missing sensor?
  10. Hello everyone In 08/25/13 i bought trough a broker at Copart the 2013 Dodge Journey 2.4 Unfortunately after delivery i turned out that the throttle and some sensor has been stolen. I do not know what a sensor is missing, ther is only a empty space and the plug. The pictures showed where there was a sensor and a plug that was connected to it. Please help my in choosing the right sensor and throttle.
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