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Everything posted by Crossroader

  1. I've had a little more time with my Journey, and found that by adjusting the 3 band EQ to BASS at MAX, Mid at MIN, and Treble at +2, it forces you to turn up the volume sufficiently for decent bass (not great, or even good, as it is muddy bass, but better than none.) Regarding the GraceNotes thing, if "Music Cleanup" option is ON, you can get some album art from their canned database of only the most popular artists. It will additionally damage the names of less popular artists, changing them to fit names from their database. This actually makes you unable to use Voice Response to select your niche artists. Turn GN off, and you get no artwork whatsoever, but the actual artist names from the MP3. I use a USB stick these days as my "iPod". LAst time around, I did extensive work with the MP3 tags, but could not get album art across. My personal theory is that Dodge did not want it to be possible for you to display custom images on the stereo. Imagine if some enterprising youngster assign pornographic images to their MP3's and <shudder> they displayed on the Dodge screen.
  2. Wow, old topic, with no good solution. I have a 2015 with the exact same wimpy bass, turned up to max, but non-existent. Did anyone ever get any satisfaction? The 8.4N even has the same problematic "Gracenotes" issue that I had on my 2012 Charger! (Cannot pick up the album art from the MP3 file.)
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