I have an 09 Journey and the power steering hose blew on my last week. I'm in Canmore Alberta and the temp had dropped to -17, hardly extreme weather here.
Today my TPMS gave out on me, one minute I'm driving 125km/hour, then I get a chime and not 20 seconds later my tire blows and the car ends up in an uncontrollable spin. I took it to have the tire replaced and the guy tells me this is common for the Journeys!? The TPMS corrodes and falls into the tire and causes it to rapidly deflate and shred. I understand the car is not new, but I've only had it for 34 days a am terrified to drive it now knowing I have three other sensors that could "fall" into my tire.
Have there been any Canadian recalls on the power steering and TPMS yet?