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About Cbrooks45

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    U.S. Southern Plains
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  1. Well, it did not do as I had hoped. I reset the MPG before I left and on the way there, I averaged about 24.2 MPG but I was averaging 80 MPH most of the trip. So that is not bad at all. On the way back, I was doing about 74 MPH the first half of the trip and got about 27 MPG. Highest I saw was 27.2. But I got inpatient and bumped it to 82ish MPH and averaged about 24.2.
  2. I would think that having and extra 100 hp on one of these although fun, would need a lot of other upgrades. The top heavy CUV body and the current suspension and brakes do their best to hold the 283 hp now. I wouldnt want to supercharge one unless I could afford to upgrade the brakes and suspension as well. But def keep us posted if you do it either way.
  3. Do you happen to have a link to the bulbs you bought? Were you able to just plug them right in? Also, any before and after pics?
  4. I am about to take the Journey on it's first road trip from Dallas, TX to Disney World in Orlando, FL. I am hoping to get the high estimates of 28/29 MPG. I have a 2014 3.6 SXT with about 20,000 miles on it. Two adults, two kids and luggage. Will report when I go the second week of March.
  5. I dont like it at all. With the caravan it was turn key twice spin around on one leg kinda thing but it worked. Was hoping for the same on this but sounds like I am out of luck.
  6. Does anyone know how to disable the seatbelt chime on a 2014 Journey? Yes, I wear my seat belt. but sometimes when you have to take it off to adjust your seating on long drives and it starts chiming it is freaking annoying. I did it on a 2005 Caravan. Hoping these have the option to do it as well.
  7. Man, that is expensive. Anyone else have any kind of workaround for this?
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