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Salah-Belkhodja Abdeslem

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Everything posted by Salah-Belkhodja Abdeslem

  1. the original starter was replaced on july 2023 (recently) , the battery is an Energizer (AGM) , i also have installed a battery maintainer under the hood + a battery thermal wrap . i wanna just mention that when it's happen and when we turn the key , we have power on the dash bord , but we dont here nothing when we try to activate the starter, till the engine is completly cold. thanks for your support ! below are the photos of the old and the new starters.
  2. Hi Rebel : Honestly, I doubted that, and I shook the gear lever, shook the car while leaving it in position D, but the vehicle had to cool down a little for it to start again, also the vehicle drives at least 100 km per week.
  3. In fact, I use a maintainer/charger always , I have a voltmeter plugged into my cigarette lighter, and I don't have any fault warning lights on my dashboard, thank you.
  4. Yes, I completely agree. That's what I've heard. What discourages me from doing it is the fairly low temperature in the country at the moment. thanks .
  5. hi gent today when i stopped at the gas station for refueling , my dodge journey didnt start , when i turned the key for starting , nothing happend ,however my battery is in good condition, i also replaced my starter in july 2023. what do you think could be the cause, thank you in advance.
  6. it was exactely as you said , a white (green) wire was cut in the tailgate sheath. many thanks for your fast help. the reverse lights are back in service.
  7. hi , i need your opinion please, my two reverse light are not working since few days , the bulbs has been replaced and the fuse is good .
  8. the noise has started the last year , but yesterday it has increased seriously, i'm suspecting either the sway bar bushings and the bearings of the front shock absorbers.
  9. hello ladies and gentlemen, is there anyone able to help me with this noise that I hear in my dodge journey (2009/167500km) when I get out of my parking lot by steering either to the right or to the left, it gives a creaking suspension and also when I fall into a hollow of asphalt, thank you
  10. Many thanks for your advice, when i returned to canadian tire they took at list 30 minutes to say , we have find nothing wrong on your engine , every thing is fine , but it could have a relation ship with your battery charger , because i have put a charger because during the winter , i'm frequently working from home, so i worry for my battery, so they said it's related to this device, but every one knows , that there is nothing in between , this device wa here since the last year and every thing was fine , i wonder why only when i passed to canadian tire garage it becomes like that. the performances of my car on the road still the same. "to be continued".................
  11. hi everybody i just replaced my timing belt at 164000 km one week ago, and going home i feel some vibrations when i m waiting at a stop plate or the red light. i wonder if it is related to this recent maintenance or not. presently i'm waiting for my rendez vous on the same garage to check what's wrong with my car. if any one of you had the same experience , please help. many hanks.
  12. hi folks : After 2 weeks of immobilization, the vehicle was repaired for an invoice of $ 2800, Tcase replaced, 1 year or 20,000km warranty. hoping it will last long enough. the transmission specialist, declared that this failure was inevitable because the access to the lubrication points are very cramped. i wonder if dodge is planning any regular review.
  13. thank you for your advice dear friends, the drive shaft is already removed to allow short shifts of a few meters, appointment this week with a transmission specialist for evaluation. the chrysler dealership did not break his head too much he estimated it at $ 3000 to replace the PTU and the necessary gaskets.
  14. this vehicle was manufactured in august 2008 (model Year 2009) in Mexico and is located presently near Montreal QC/Ca.
  15. very well maintained vehicle, does it deserve to end its life because of such an unexpected breakdown.
  16. hi everybody during my roadtrip to the beach on the summer 2021 i smell oil burning when i stop on the traffic, and after 4 days on the beach camp , i feel something craking/broken under the car, the engine still working well but the car moves slowly, when i came home using towing , i've took th ecar to chrysler, they said 'you have to replace the PTU' which will cost me2000$ and probabbly 3000$ adding manhours/taxes. The question is : is there any solution to fix the trbl by changing only what is brooken inside this PTU ? by visiting a 'transmission specialist' . to have less expense to pay . PS : my car is in very good condition 160.000km, no check engine no rust, etc..... awaiting advice please.
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