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patelajit last won the day on September 4 2015

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  1. Take out fuse from under the glovebox - inspect all and replace which ones are necessary. I had issue like this -- 2011 journey -- no radio, no A/C intermittently. I would have to take out radio, HVAC, SCCM fuses and put back in after 2-3 mins. It happened about 5 times in the past and this was the only way I could get it to work. The battery disconnection was not required in my situation.
  2. How to diagnose if it is BCM or steering wheel wiring? Earlier few days ago, the radio was all black so could not control climate control. I changed few 15A fuses and it started working -- but the wiper, turn signal, traction control light issue is still there. Thank you.
  3. All of a sudden, wiper started to stay on at all times, no turn signals, steering wheel controls (cruise, volume, computer buttons) do not work either. There is a traction control light on for some reason. To turn off the wipers temporarily, I took out the relay for wipers on/off from main fuse box. About a year ago, I had the traction control light on and cruise control was not working. The stealership had replaced clock spring --> this fixed the cruise control and traction control light issue. This apperas to be something different (or perhaps clock spring and something else since controls were working last time - except cruise control). Has anyone experienced similar situation? Any easy thing to check (all fuses appear to be fine, but I will check again).
  4. My cruise control (2011 journey) was not working. There was no indicator light. Also, my traction control indicator light was on. It turned out to be a faulty clock spring. After replacing the clock spring, cruise control is working and traction control warning indicator light also went away.
  5. Hi, Sorry I was not clear. It will cost me 50 dollars labor to install new rotors and new pads. I have to buy my own pads and rotors.
  6. Hello, I need opinion about 2011 mainstreet rear brakes. I need to replace pads and rotors. I am not going to buy OEM since they are wearing out too quickly. Should I buy Ceramic or Semi-metallic? The price is about same and warranty is also lifetime limited on both. Normally I would do brake pads myself but since rotors are involved, I will be paying 50 bucks for rear job which is not too bad. So if pads run out say in 30K miles, I will replace myself so it won't cost me more than my time. So bottom line question: Ceramic pads or Semi-metallic? If any brand besides OEM, I will consider them also but most likely will just get mid-grade from auto parts store or amazon or ebay motors. Thank you!
  7. I got the Journey fixed by the Dstealership 1. Transmission Valve was replaced (along with filter, sealer, sensor) -- part of warranty 2. Bad Clock Spring was replaced (traction control light and maybe was not working, also fixed cruise control that was not working) -- 470 parts and labor!! 3. Wiring repair from TCM to PCM (2 broken wires not sure -- to fix limp mode issue) -- 300 parts and labor!! So in end lot of money but seems to be working OK now. I am happy that cruise was fixed. As expected, the main reason I took the car in there was solved last. They always find other issues first which is why I try to stay away from them!
  8. Hi, It has 78K miles. I think trans fluid was changed around 50K (but not sure) -- I bought used at around 55K miles. It ran OK for 20K miles (the check engine came on and off intermittent with Trans pressure too high but it always ran OK). I did leave it to dealer to figure out the limp mode issue. They said some electrical issue is causing that trans issue (just verbally they said). After that, I will get trans fluid and filter changed anyways. TCS light: I push TCS off switch but it makes no difference. The car runs just as usual. I also had one wheel bearing and Hub changed as well (it was making noise when turning -- but that's a difference issue). Thanks everyone for their help!
  9. While driving normally, my 2011 journey mainstreet V6 went into Limp mode (about 2 months ago). They did program and take it out of limp mode but said there is an electrical issue and need 2 hours or more of diagnosis time (200 dollars). I denied that service at that time. Fast forward 2 months, the same issue happened again. The code is transmission line pressure high. Also, there is traction control light on which has been on for 1+ year but there is no issue. Does anyone know how to take it out of limp mode? I did unplug the negative for overnight 2 times but it did not help the issue. Has anyone had similar issue and what was done to fix it? I would rather try something quick myself than give 200+ dollars to dealer only to tell me even bigger issue. Thank much!
  10. I was afraid to go to dealership because they will charge 200 just to check it and say you have to replace the transmission :-)
  11. I have a 2011 Dodge Journey (2WD, Mainstreet, 6 Cyl). 2 days ago, I was driving normal and suddenly Check Engine light came on. I had it checked at O'Reiley. I have a P0869 error code (Transmission Fluid Pressure High). I checked Google and it seems this could be a common code. The car runs fine.. Any ideas?
  12. Hello Carrie, When you press the on button, does the light come on the instrument panel? For me the light does not even come on so I can not even do anything. For you, since you have warranty, can you tell them to update the software as DodgeCares suggested above?
  13. It seems like there is no "room" for the mirror to move. Because I cannot even move it manually (seems like stuck).
  14. It seems that my car mirror on passenger side is stuck. I can hear the motor moving but the mirror does not move. I checked the mirror, it seems to be stuck on the top left and bottom right. I tried to move by inserting screw driver at the bottom and top and it moves a little bit only. Anybody had this type of problem (and how you fixed it)? The motor is working but there is no room for the mirror to move. The driver side mirror works fine!
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