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Carrie Peavey

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Everything posted by Carrie Peavey

  1. I've had the cruise control switch replaced four times. I'm hopeful this last one will be a keeper. So far so good.
  2. Sometimes the light comes on but most times it doesn't. The dealer doesn't believe me that it doesn't work because every time their mechanic tries it suddenly works. I find that sometimes if I get frustrated enough and just keep pressing the button it will come on, but not always. And sometimes it will come on if I just press and hold the button. I'm told that since the radio controls on the steering wheel work it's not a real problem.
  3. I'm having the same problem with my 2012 Journey. The dealer replaced my cruise control switch once, but I've been telling them for months it's not working again but they won't believe me. Once in a blue moon I can get the cruise control to turn on, then the cancel button won't work. I think my dealer is waiting for the warrantee to run out so I have to pay for it. I also told them over a year ago that my clock keeps gaining time, again they "don't have the disc to fix it". I'm thinking my next car is not going to be a Dodge/Chrysler product.
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