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About lavenderlilly

  • Birthday 11/17/1970

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    Canada Ontario
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  1. I do have one question.... With my Journey (19,023 kms- Canadian vehicle and I live in Canada) what is bumper to bumper warranty cover- just that? Because believe it or not, I strongly believe the struts are starting to go on my journey. Reason I say that is because whenever the vehicle goes over bumps, or if the vehicle rocks when people are getting in and out, the vehicle makes this "squeaky hinge" sound. This just started a few days ago, sadly after returning from the dealer who took care of the wheel/brake problem. And, when I purposefully rock the car, by standing outside the car and gently rock it, it makes the same sound!! If indeed this is a strut issue- is it a covered service? Thank you kindly
  2. Thank you all for your opinions and help- believe it or not, it helped!
  3. I just got the car back- the dealer took off all 4 tires, did something with the calipers, cleaned and greased them up, serviced the brakes. I took the car out for a 20 km test ride- not a sound. Not too sure what happened. I am so confused, I don't know if I should scratch my watch or wind my ass, because yesterday, the car was screaming bloody murder. Now, nothing. Runs fine.
  4. Its at the dealer as we speak They are suggesting a seized caliper and wheel bearing.
  5. When the veh is rolling in any direction it makes the sound. Example being is if I slow for a light, and creep up to the car in line, the noise is just as loud. When I went to back out of my driveway at 3 kms/hr, it makes that sound just as loud.
  6. We have a 2013 DJ that currently has 17,000 kms on it. Aside from previous tows due to power steering pump hoses busting (In the cars defense, it WAS -29 out) So I ddn't hold that against the car as a screw up. What bothers me is today, out of absolutely nowhere, the car started making this seriously loud grinding, screeching, squealing noise from the passenger rear tire area. What was confusing was when I compressed the brakes, the noise faded. When the veh was at a stop, the noise came back. When the veh was rolling in neutral, the noise came back. So I got it to the driveway, and called my husband out. I told him to go test drive it. He got three houses up the road, turned around and said "call a tow truck". So the veh was towed over to the dealer. What is interesting about this is about 2 weeks ago, a rather steady "huummmmmm" came from the back end. It was when the veh was going at normal speeds. To be honest, I seriously figured it was wind blowing over the ice build up on the back end of the roof of the Journey. So, after hours of looking online, I am nervous to find out what the dealer says is wrong.
  7. I have a 2013 DJ. Today, out of the blue, the rear passenger side of the suv started squealing and whining really loud. Not when I apply the brakes- but as I move the veh any slight forward. I got it home, had my husband test drive it- and he only made it three houses down the road before turning around and coming home. The noise is so loud- I had it towed into the dealer b/c uncomfortable with driving. The noise is grinding and squealing. Hard to describe, but there is no wobbling of the tire. Last week it was making a humming noise while driving 70 down a highway. To be honest, I just figured it was the ice on the veh roof in the back. What would cause a 2013 with less than 17,000 km's to make a god awful noise like that?
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