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About jimmyk

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    U.S. Great Lakes
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  1. I have replaced the cam sensor with an OE sensor from the salvage yard ($10)!!. That appears to have corrected the P0344 and it is running correctly. So CRAZY!
  2. Still chasing the cause of the P0344 code. I'm really stumped. Continuity in the wiring from the sensor to the ECM is good. 5V power going to the sensor is good. Replaced the ECM with no changes. Should I buy an OE cam sensor, I've seen posts that the aftermarket sensors can be wonky. If the timing belt has jumped, would that cause the P0344 code? Journey has 105K miles. No history of the belt being replaced in Carfax. any help would be appreciated. TY
  3. Does the Journey require relearning of the cam sensor?
  4. The continuity from all 3 wires from the sensor to the harnesses into wires the ECM check out. I don't know how to check the pins into ECM. Any help out there?
  5. 2009 SXT 3.5L showing a P0344 code. Appears that previous owner replaced the cam sensor and wiring to the sensor. I've replaced the sensor, but P0344 comes up sometimes. This engine also has the tapping noise from the rocker arm assy being worn, ( a known wear problem). Can the rocker arm issue cause the P0344, too? Or will I have to trace the wiring for the cam sensor further into the harness? TY
  6. 2009 Journey 3.5L new symptom in last couple of months. AM reception has static, can still hear the stations, but all staticy all the time, all stations. FM seems fine.
  7. 2009 FWD SXT, tie rods are worn. Does the steering rack have to be removed to replace the inner tie rods? Doesn't appear to be enough room to get the removal tool in due to the heat shield so close to the floor and rack. Help!!
  8. Sorry, I should have noted that I've cleared the codes multiple times with a scanner. All have returned. Runs well most of the time. I can feel when the #3 injector is acting up, slight shake on acceleration. P0103, mass airflow circuit input high voltage my be the cause of quick upshift to 5th and engine 'falling flat'. Doesnt stay in 4th but a second and shifting to 5th about 35 mph with light throttle
  9. 2010 SXT FWD Journey. Code set is P2504 charge voltage high. Voltage checks out at 13.7-14. Car has other codes setting nearly every drive also. P0103 mas airflow circuit high imput, P0325 knock sensor #1 circuit, P0002 Fuel volume regulator control circuit range, P0203 injector #3. Dont know if these are all related or separate causes. Where to start?
  10. Square "mode" buttons that change the airflow from dash, floor, defrost, A/C, recirc, etc have tiny bulbs that back light the buttons. The three large round knobs that operate the fan speed and temperature are lit by square LEDs. I need the tiny bulbs that light the square puttons. I will check the dealer. Hopefully wont get the answer that I have to replace the entire control unit.
  11. What is the HVAC backlighting bulb number? Three bulbs light the square buttons.
  12. I have not found any loose or corrosion to any ground wires underhood. Same codes keep resetting. Dont know where to start making repairs and dont want to just throw parts at it. Any suggestions?
  13. Thanks for that lead. Will look for bad or disconnected grounds. Prior owner had head gaskets replaced. Might have to pull plenum to check underneath it.
  14. 2009 SXT 3.5L. Check engine light is on often. When scanned first time, codes were P0103, MAF voltage imput high, P0325 knock sensor, P0205 #5 injector & P2504 charge voltage high. That drive cycle I did feel a misfire, so that could explain the injector code. Cleared codes. Check engine light on again. Codes were P0103 MAF voltage imput high P0203 injector #3, P0002 fuel volume regulator control circuit & P2503 charge voltage low. Where do I start with this?
  15. I have looked on line and not found anything specific. But will keep looking.
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