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About Pipkerx

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  1. Thank you! Really enjoying it & really enjoy the looks I get!
  2. Had my new 235/55R19 installed, the wider tread and taller sidewall look great! Also the new windshield really helps the looks! I have to say, I'm very happy with the looks of my Journey R/T ;-)
  3. The first time they read the error message and did some test drives they couldn't replicate the issue. The second time I brought it in I made sure it was acting up. They just called me back and they confirmed its the exhaust phaser on bank 2. Currently my engine is apart and they are replacing the phaser. They will have to get it back together to be 100% sure it's fixed. They also fixed the power steering hose recall and did an oil change. So tomorrow I should get it back, haven't had it since Monday morning.
  4. Over the past 6 months I'm been having intermittent issues with my 2012 DJ R/T. After longer periods of driving the engine would really begin to lug at city speeds and seem to really struggle / almost misfire. At the beginning a little bit of extra throttle or a manual downshift would take care of it, but lately it was becoming frequent and the check engine light would come on. Took it to a local Dodge dealer and they ran some tests and it passed so they reset the check engine light and sent me on my way. I thought maybe it was a dirty fuel system so I did the standard in tank cleaner but also paid a shop to do a throttle body / intake clean to clear out any junk. Not much of a change in the end, when the motor was on for a while (3+ hours) the poor running would come back, the motor would lug and then throw the check engine light. Took it back to dodge and they tried asking all sorts of questions including when my last oil change was (I have all my receipts and the vehicle was fully caught up on recalls). In the end they took my DJ in and after 5hrs of diagnosing they found that my left cylinder bank exhaust phaser was not operating correctly causing the timing to be off and the vehicle to run poorly. This is their therory at least, I still don't have my DJ back yet to test as they are doing the repair as we speak. Thankfully I have powertrain warranty left, only 79,000KM on my DJ. What do you think, would an exhaust phaser cause what I'm describing? Before this when people mentioned phasers I thought of SciFi, lol!
  5. Pipkerx

    2012 Dodge Journey R/T

    This is one good looking ride!
  6. I did that by design, I didn't want the bottom to extend as far as the front. This is the look I was going for and the pictures don't do it justice, in person is so much better.
  7. Sweet man, it's always great when you have a one of a kind ride. Makes it feel a bit more special, unique!
  8. It wasn't cheap but you're right, if you want a unique design and quality products then that's what it costs. It was 2hrs just to design it. I'm loving it, especially in the daylight!
  9. $485 CND for the graphic design consult and printing (I paid extra for the high end outdoor vinyl with a no fade guarantee). My buddy installed it for supper and a case of beer :-) Windows set me back another $200 CND. So all in all an expensive day but totally worth it in my opinion.
  10. Decided that having the same Journey as everyone else wasn't for me. Worked with a graphic designer and came up with the custom designed and unique graphic for my 2012 Journey R/T. My neighbour owns a tint shop so he did the installation and also tinted all seven windows. Added 30% to the factory tinted rear windows and 50% to the front windows to avoid attracting attention from the local police. Overall I really like how this looks and I love that it's one of a kind!
  11. I ended up tweaking how the front ends, now instead of a point it ends in a similar shape as the end of the graphic. I personally wouldn't ideally have the graphic end like that either but someone keyed my ride from fender to fender and this graphic covers without making it look like I'm intentionally covering something.
  12. So I changed the front to end slightly different, it's getting installed on Thursday so I'll post some pictures then. I have my winter rims and tires on so it won't look perfect and I also need to black out my door handles and roof rack but that's for the summer.
  13. Thanks jkeaton, I uploaded an image via mobile but it didn't work. I have attached it now via pc.
  14. Getting a custom graphic installed on my 2012 Dodge Journey R/T, thoughts?
  15. I used plasti dip shadow but I'm not happy with it and I think I'm going to redo it with night shades.
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