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journeygal last won the day on October 14 2015

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  1. Fixed it! Turned the phone off and back on and re-paired it with UConnect. Yay!
  2. Ever since I upgraded my iPhone5 to version 9.2.1, I am unable to hear any music using Player. The phone shows connected by UConnect and the music is playing on the iPhone, but no music in the car. I disconnected the phone thru UConnect and connected it again, but no change. Anyone have a fix for this problem?
  3. Come to find out the problem was caused by antifreeze in the washer fluid. The service manager said Chrysler ships the vehicle with antifreeze in the washer fluid reservoir to prevent freezing and cracking of the reservoir. The fluid dropped down the back window and in our hot Texas sun baked on. The dealer used some potent window cleaner and fine steel wool to remove the stain. He gave my husband some of the cleaner and steel wool for any future problems. Hmmm... well at least the stain is gone. Thanks!
  4. I have a 2015 Journey and have found that when parked on a slight incline, the doors will shut on legs and fingers even when opened completely. I'll open the door and make sure it's open all the way and stationary and when I lean into the car to retrieve something from the seat, the door swings shut on my rear. I haven't bumped the door. The dealer looked at it and said there's no way to tighten the doors without taking them all apart. They suggested I back into the driveway! We called Chrysler and they said the doors were operating the way they were designed to. I can't imagine some little kids (or adults for that matter) haven't had their fingers or more smashed. I got a scrape on my shin. Anyone else experience this? Thanks!
  5. I have 2000 miles on my 2015 Dodge Journey and have a streak down the rear window. It starts at the top of the rear lift gate and continues 3/4 of the way down. It's wider at the top. I thought it was sap or something but when I washed the Journey, it didn't clean off. I tried Windex and that didn't work. My husband said it's probably between the two sheets of glass (the defroster being between them). We brought it to the dealer who said this has happened before and they usually replace the window. Now, the mechanic says he can't see it and there's nothing to fix. Has anyone else had this streak thing happen'? Thanks.
  6. Yay! The hose was disconnected! Great idea to have one of us in the car, pressing on the button and the other under the hood, watching the fluid dripping down. Kind of a chintzy hose. It wouldn't stay together. No threads, catch or other fastener. So we resorted to tape for now. Wonder what made it fall off. You'd think with 1500 miles in town driving and no potholes, it wouldn't be an issue, but who knows. The hose does seem a bit short where it meets. Thanks again for the help and quick response!
  7. Thanks! I do hear the pump, so I'll have my husband help me check the hoses. I'll check the rear, also. I really appreciate the info. Will keep you updated.
  8. I filled the washer fluid (it was still 1/4 full) and push in the end of the wiper lever and the wipers operate but no fluid. Is there a quick fix for this or do I have find time to take it to the dealer? It worked before. I have 1500 hundred miles on the vehicle. Thanks!
  9. Thank you! With your help (bramfrank and bfurth) I found the controls for the speakers! Now I just need to figure out how to set my favorite Sirius channels! The salesman showed me, but I don't remember. I'll figure it out. Everyone have a good evening!
  10. Thank you bramfrank for your helpful response. I will take a look and see if I can find the balance and equaliser buttons. Thought I looked before and couldn't find them. Thanks!
  11. I just got my 2015 Journey and cannot figure out how to balance the speakers! I've downloaded the user manual and looked at the quick start book and can't find anything. I googled it and came across some questions on the forum on how bad the speakers are for bass (I'll agree) and someone said to send some of the sound to the rear speakers. I would if I could figure out how. Also is there a way to balance the bass and treble? And, it sounds like all the sound is coming from the passenger side speaker. Any help is appreciated.
  12. Thanks..my last car was a 2003 Dodge Caravan Sport. Never thought about side airbags being a problem with seat covers. I would've gotten another Caravan (tho I guess they come with side airbags now), but the new Caravans look like Kleenex boxes on wheels. Guess I'll have to be careful, though I imagine the upholstery is pretty sturdy. Tell that to my 90lb. dog!
  13. just purchased a 2015 Journey and would like to get some sheepskin seatcovers for the front seats. Ordered some that said they work with side impact airbags, but they had two sets of hooks to hook under the seat and with all the electrical wiring under the seat, this doesn't look like a good idea to me. Any ideas? Thanks!
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