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  1. Well for now i have a welded aluminum basket that is 22"x33". I need a bigger one for certain trips etc. I really like the curt 18153 folding steel (supposedly made in usa) https://www.etrailer.com/Hitch-Cargo-Carrier/Curt/C18153.html surco 52018F (made in usa) https://www.etrailer.com/Hitch-Cargo-Carrier/Surco-Products/52018F.html and lastly the Rola 59502. (not made in USA but highly recommended in 4x4 crowd ) https://www.etrailer.com/Hitch-Cargo-Carrier/Rola/59502.html I am not dead set on getting a usa made one, but it would be nice. Im not even sure if i absolutely need the folding feature. In all honesty it will most likely be used for up north trips to extended family's house. I was more or less wondering about the unloaded weight of 70ish pounds of all of these racks. Will it make the truck squat really bad once you load up another 200-300lbs? Most of my loads will consist of a cooler, shade tent, chairs etc. so not a ton of weight but it adds up. Im also thinking "buy once , cry once" as far as the pricing goes. I will have it "forever".
  2. I literally just installed this same hitch on my 15' crossroad awd today. Mine doesnt hit the plastic or spare tire at all. Works great and the best option for clearance issues imo.
  3. Just a bump to see if anyone would be able to do this for me. dhh3 offered but cant at this time.
  4. i know they will "fit" i was more curious from a size stand point. Some of the xl sized boxes are 7ft long !! lol. im leaning more towards a smaller on that isnt as long as the whole roof of the car.
  5. I will be using the mopar cross rails installed on the factory roof rails that come standard on the journey crossroad. I am not going to be using this for skis or snowboards. I basically want it for extra luggage etc. on longer trips and going to see family farther away in the state. i have been looking at the thule force medium and large boxes. (14cu. & 16cu. ) I think that size will be good, im not looking to get the longest/biggest possible box i can fit on the top. I was hoping someone had one of those boxes or something similar to see how big they were. thanks
  6. wait a minute! That is sacrilege..... TOWING a gold wing? lol. Its probably a more comfortable ride than the journey with better mileage...lol Its not that cold here anymore, you could have done it. (im in canton)
  7. i will physicall look later when she gets home. I did look on my window sticker just now and it is NOT listed. I have an awd 15' redline crossroad with all options EXCEPT : overhead blu ray player, trailer/tow prep, "full leather". (mine has the mesh inserts in the middle).
  8. Wow I'm really confused now... Lol. From reading I thought they had standard trans coolers and the oil coolers were only with the tow prep pkg?
  9. I'm aware that it has a trans cooler. I'm specifically interests in the engine oil cooler. I'm sure it's been done on here and was wondering if someone already had the parts list made out and how involved it is. I'm a capable auto mechanic that can do just about any job on a vehicle but some times if it's to crazy I wont "fix unless it's broke" lol
  10. If you don't mind I would like the measurement of just the metal bars. Front and back. The plastic end cap pulls off with a little tug. The reason I got this idea in the first place is when I realized the end caps just slide on and off. The roof line tapers so much I beleive they are designed to "float" Inside of the end caps so you can move the crossbars along the rails. I measured mine currently and it looks like roughly an 1" I need to take off total. BUT I wanted to check with someone that has some so I can make sure I have the right adjustability.
  11. I have a brand new set of factory crossbars off of an 08 grand cherokee. After looking at them and seeing how the end caps come off and are designed to adjust with the tapered roof line I decided to cut mine down to the crossroad length. I put mine up there and marked them, BUT I was wondering if someone could measure theirs for me before I cut them. Ideally if they were off the vehicle it would be great if you could pull the end caps off and measure just the bar.. Thanks
  12. im asssuming it will but want to make sure before i do a craigslist deal. He says its for a 12'-14'. with led tails. thanks for help
  13. Mine are exactly like that but from a grand Cherokee. Just different size.
  14. well im officicall bummed with the crossroad on this aspect. I have been using www.blendmount.com for years on my ram. It mounts to the rearview mirror stalk and hangs just under the mirror. With the concealed display and valentine one detector it couldnt get much better. It looks like from the design of the mirror/stalk they dont make one for this application. im looking for a more professional/permanent deal than suction to the window. any ideas?
  15. well im out of luck. The GC rails i have are in fact different sizes, one is a little longer. The problem is when i held the longest one at the back of the journey it was about 3-4" longer than the rails..... so looks like i will be on the lookout for some..
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