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About DeadDred

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  1. I got the same issue with our brakes. In city and speed below 80km/h they are fine the second we hit the highway any braking as speed of 80km/h+ or hard braking seriously vibrates. I can almost stop it if I brake very slowly after some time but the minute I have to hit the brakes fast even for a few sec the vibration starts. Did you ever get an answer for that?
  2. Ok in dash unit replaced for the second time and review cam replacement ordered. Recall on power steering hose apparently but not in stock have to wait. Magically no one can hear the noise that sounds like a ford power steering pump on start up but gonna make them start a new Journey and then ours and compare the noise. No air bag recalls like Willowbrook Dodge stated when the sales guy wanted to make a sale and get my wife to trade the Journey in. I tell her make sure if record the convo and video it when talking in the dealer. Sure it illegal but I'd rather go to court and have it public then people getting ripped off.
  3. Sorry didn't get back with the info. More issues. The GPS went out again, dealer say come in and sit a few hours while we diagnose, same rinse and repeat as before. Rear view camera this one is good. if car had been sitting for a while and you start it, go into reverse the image is upside down or the video feed is garbled. Drive for a bit, stop car, start car and go into reverse video feed is fine The passenger side top vent makes a whistling sound like leaking air when the passenger side window is open. Close the window and the noise from the vent goes away. Its not the window is the actual vent as you can make it go away if you slow down/stop the fan. The engine noise that sounds like a loud Ford power steering pump is getting a bit louder. Only when the engine is cold. Oh yah and the brakes vibrate like hell when going down steep hills like on the Coquihalla snowr sheds. Have to make sure I got slow 90-100KPH other wise the front end shakes like hell. Not sure if the rotors over overheating and warping as if I get into a flat straight for 1bout 15 min with no breaking the shaking stops.
  4. I'm just repeating what the dealer told my wife.
  5. They said 2015 Journey's.
  6. The dealer is Willowbrook in Langley BC. The first time the GPS went I my wife had to go in three times and I had to go in once for an "firmware update" Magically they could never get the firmware downloaded, yes 4 times. Also something about the firmware being "specific to car vin" LOL. On the 4th time the wife basically told them in not so nice way she ain't leaving till its gets replaced that day. 45 min later it was replaced lol. So they replaced it and it worked for several months. One time its started to act up and the radio would not turn off or respond to touch commands even if you shut the car off and closed the doors. Had to disconnect the battery and wait for a bit then it worked again. So about two weeks ago she was heading out to the US. Just as he crossed the border the GPS gave out and says "no data blah blah". She phoned the dealer and once again come in for 1.5 hours trouble shooting waste of time. She also asked where the hell is her replacement air bag that has a recall. Basically you'll get it when you get it. She's like what if I get in an accident and it doesn't go off. Buddy is not its not our problem call Dodge. LOL. Now the recall is another story with the dealer trying to do a bait and switch on her with the car. I'll write about that shortly. Don't get me wrong I like the car especially being a White Blackout Edition with black rims and the 280HP is nice but with the dealer being a waste of time the only other Dodge we'll own will be my 84 D150. Just have to find some lowering springs for it now.
  7. Well the GPS has failed again on the replacement dash unit. What's weird it stopped working right after she crossed the border to the US.
  8. Thanks, it started one day about three months into the car. Wife asked the dealer when the dash unit was being replaced, they pretty much said what noise? Just flash backs from 2007 F150 5.4 phaser noise. I'll check the audio setting thanks,
  9. Well that's not the point. The audio went past 38 perviously and with the new unit it only goes to 38 and the loudness is more like 34-38 before. I wasn't sure at first then my wife confirmed it as she's went pas 38 a few times by mistake and overall the audio levels changed. The dealer said they didn't know anything about anything just like having to lose work days so we can come back 3 times for our own pleasure to be told they can't update the unit. The only thing that worked was FU install a new unit.
  10. Wife got a 2015 White Blacktop edition V6/FWD//7seat/in dash display. Overall the car is ok and has good power although the grearing is a little wrong. In city gas guzzler, definatly worse then the 2007 F150 with 5.4 it replaced. On the highway its not bad. 6 months into it noise from engine when starting, sounds like a power steering pump with low fluid. Dealer say "what noise, can't hear it" 8 months into it GPS goes. 3 trips to dealer to find out their system can't update, was told firmware is only per unit serial number so can't be done like any normal firmware update and has to be done OTA (?) finally tell them this is BS and 4th time is the magic number where they replaced the whole unit. Oh well now the volume doesn't go as loud as with the previous player. It maxes out at 38 when it went much higher before. Explained to dealer, they never heard of such a thing, yah ok. Player with USB source bugs still the same as in the old unit. If you are using a USB source, stopt the car/turn off ignition and open the rear hatch door the player starts playing the first file on the USB and not the file that was playing when car stopped. There are a couple combos of this lol. Got the extended bumper to bumper warranty. Car is ok but with the dealer experience loses lots of points.
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