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Everything posted by Drews34

  1. Hello All, We just recently bought a 2015 Journey Blacktop Edition and it only has 300 miles on it. I was wondering if anyone has had issues with the Uconnect screen or system malfunctioning? It has only happened once so far to me but we were driving down the road and the screen started cutting on and off then lines across it and the radio cut off. I turned it back on and nothing then the radio started playing on its own with no display and un responsive to the wheel controls and would not turn off. It did this off and on for about 20 mins then stopped. I'm hoping this is a onetime incident. I have read through the other threads and have not seen much on this issue. Another small issue is the clock will not stay set but I might be doing something wrong on that end. It had 4 devices saved to its Bluetooth already from the dealer so not sure why that was other than maybe showing customers the features. Other than that I have not had any of the other issues so far that I have read about on the forum. Thanks, Scott
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