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Jammie Dodger

Journey Member
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Everything posted by Jammie Dodger

  1. Hi All, Can I deactivate the TPMS system on the Dodge Journey ? I have replaced an original sensing tyre valve with a standard tyre valve so now have the dash warning light on constanty - which I want to turn off. Thanks,
  2. Newport, South Wales, UNITED KINGDOM here. Journey 2.4 SX converted to LPG Autogas and getting 55 mpg ! Cheers JD
  3. Hi, UK Journey Owners, Is there such a thing as a annual meeting in the UK for Journey owners ? If not, would anyone be interested in this ? Cheers, JD
  4. Hi wejourney, Sounds like you have the same problem as I had. I found the floor under the front seat was saturated and if the carpet and foam was pulled back I could easily have kept my goldfish in there ! The water was then flowing backwards and filling the storage bins as you described. The car went into the dealers for 3 days last week and they found the following: Floor Bungs under front seat loose and allowing water in/out Sill drain holes blocked. They said it was common if car parked under trees (which I don't actually do) Cleaned out drains, replaced floor bungs and water tested (through car wash and on wet road test) I am yet to see if this has worked. We've not had much rain in Wales in the last few days, believe it or not ! It won't be long before the rain returns and gives me a good opportunity to road test myself. I would advise you insist on a loan car (under warranty) and have the Journey put back into the dealer for as long as it takes to put in right. Have them test it exhaustively before you take in back. Good luck, Best Regards, Jon
  5. I have water getting in from under the car and soaking the floor under the front passenger seat. Carpet is not wet as the foam/sponge under the carpet soaks up the water. It then runs into the floor storage bin behind the pass seat. Anyone else had this ? Maybe worth checking your foam under the carpet ? Its at the dealer for investigations now - will let you know whats found....
  6. Still Going Well on LPG, change the in line fuel filter every 10k miles to avoid any oil in fuel getting to the injectors...
  7. Interesting - I hope the damage was slight...... My dealer adjusted my handbrake on 31 Oct but I'm still not impressed. Its just not good in comparison to my wife's VAUXHALL. It does not roll off the drive now but I do leave it in gear every time now - just in case. Jon... Wales
  8. Still doing well saving lots on LPG Gas...... 9p per mile is fab..... :rolleyes:
  9. Thanks for all your replies Guys, I am in the UK and have a manual journey with the handbrake between the front seats (ratchet pull up handle). It is not holding well but I have 'Dodger' booked in for a service on 31 Oct and they will be looking at this then. As most of you are in the USA and have auto vehicles, I understand why you have a left side foot parking brake. Cheers from Wales, Jon B) Any comments from UK manual owners welcome,...
  10. My parking brake on my manual 2.4 SX seems really poor. :angry: It does not hold the car on an incline unless it is pulled right up hard and the car left in gear. Anyone else had problems ? or comments ? What is your parking brake like ? The car has only done 3200 miles. Cheers, Jon
  11. I also have a RED 2.4 SX. It looks great. I am in Bassaleg, NEWPORT. They are quite rare ... hope to see you in the locality ? Cheers, Jon
  12. My 2.4 SX was doing 28 mpg on petrol. Its now doing an equivalent of 52 mpg on LPG gas. Brilliant .... Its 9 pence per mile and running just like petrol performance. LPG is 48 pence per litre, Petrol is 102 pence ! I had the kit fitted professionally for £1100 with the 60 litre tank fitted underneath, so taking no storage room up. I recommend this, it makes my 25,000 miles per year really affordable. Cheers, Jon
  13. Why is that ? Have you had a bad experience, 2hot2handl ?
  14. I have just had my Journey converted to run on LPG gas. Half price fuel makes all the difference...... Is anyone else running on LPG or duel fuel ? If you're interested in a conversion - I can tell you more ..... Cheers, Jon
  15. I have had my Journey 2.4 SX for 2 weeks now. Bought from Motorpoint as a 58 plate, 1 year old, bargain. Very pleased so far.... I am in Newport, South Wales. Cheers, Jon :rolleyes:
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