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Everything posted by Dusty256

  1. 2 post wonder . I had a problem and now I hate dodge cars .. lol
  2. I had the rear shocks on mine go bad , 140,000 miles , everything is due to be here Thursday so I can change them .. really cupping the inside of the drivers side somewhat and enough to make the tires noisy ... after I change the shocks going to rotate them in a cross pattern and have them balanced . funny thing is that discount tire will not cross rotate even though I point out the tire maker recommends this. they also try to fall back on they have to put the best tread to the rear ... think I will try a little local shop to balance all four tires and rotate them the way I want after I fix the shocks ...
  3. your owners manual will tell you many things
  4. hit a pot hole hard enough to break the rim ?
  5. that's good , funny with the labor when the injector is so easy to pull out . must of been a glitch in the memory of the Pcm .. I am taking mine in for the win recall but first I want to do so maintenance items before hand. don't. trust the dealership here because he said to do the recall they would need the car for 4 days to inspect it before hand... it's supposed to be a simple 1 to 2 hour replacement and ref lash .
  6. any up dates on this problem , courious as to what the problem was
  7. this pretty much sums it up ... I am willing to bet your mech did not bleed the system the right way ... good luck and post back what it takes to fix it
  8. Flushing the line might clear it but depends on the line. If it's a rubber line most likely the inside is flaking and needs replaced... You have air in the system somewhere or a leak . No clues with the pliers either.... One word of advise ... Find a another person to look at this they are missing something simple ..there has to be either air in the system or a leak .. i still will bet they did not bleed the abs system correctly , you have to have the right scanner .
  9. my bet would be the abs pump not being bled correctly . loss of vacume would be a hard pedal . sounds like they where just throwing parts at it . time to get back to basics . start at the right rear and bled the system the old fashion way with someone pumping the brakes and the bleed screw. I would ask your dodge dealer if the bled the abs pump with a scanner . you can not bled it anyother way because to have to active the solenoid's ... has to be something very simple you are overlooking . same here been working on my own cars since I was 16 and I am 58 and have never seen this problem ... silly question but did you bled the master cylinder before hooking everything up..
  10. Maybe it's time to find a new mechanic ,,, two months is a long time to work on brakes and replace so many things ...brakes are one of the easiest to fix even with abs thrown in the picture. My only other thought would be the abs controller but if they used a scanner to bled the abs system it should be good. Also when you bleed are you sure you are getting all the air out and a solid stream of fluid ... Also might be the wrong master cylinder or booster or connection between them
  11. that is a strange one . if dodge can not figure it and they used a scanner to bled the abs system I don't know ..
  12. what is 3'on the gauge , I am guessing 3000 rpm. four set of tires in 96,000 miles and tie rods twice sounds like a bad dealership or repair shop to me that did not align the car correctly . tire sensors do fail question have had the recalls done . the wiring harness one also
  13. excess could be running down the cowl and to the ground ...
  14. this is good info , my cross rails made noise after I moved them to secure a load . ended taking them off ...
  15. my newest one , just had to treat myself went in to buy the better half a new Chevy Equinox and ended up driving this one out for my self
  16. are you sure there are no water leaks , the area where that pad sits (slightly ) above and to left is a good source to leak . also the ac drain tube can plug . I assume you are trying to describe a musty smell which is from water getting in some where. also cabin air filter
  17. my only concern is the springs they use because I know the struts are the same but wonder about the the springs and spring rate etc and will make my journey sit higher in the front . I like the way it has some front rake to to and going to replace the rears too.
  18. I like the idea of the quick struts as I do not have a way to compress the struts and the nearest place that can is 25 miles away
  19. looking up springs I noticed different part numbers so that must be the only difference . wonder why they don't offer quick struts for the 2.4 . wonder how much higher the front would be or if it would be a stiffer ride .
  20. getting them on line about 107 to 119 each . from what I can tell they are the same. I ran in to this with my 1996 deville , not a lot of parts listed but if you searched un Seville for the same year there where parts. I just like the idea of replacing everything at once . I plan on changing most if not all the bushings also ,mthey are cheap and will everything apart anyway. love the SUV , funny but it reminds so much of a 1984 tourismo I had ..
  21. hey guys my 2009 journey just hit 140,000 miles and although it still rides smooth I want to replace the struts and shocks . maybe it's just how things are listed but I was looking at quick struts by Monroe , for the 2.4 se they do not list quick struts .mthey do for the 3.5 however. when I look up just the struts themselves they seem to be the same part number on both engine model's . the quick struts are the same part numbers preceded by a 1. think they will fit
  22. man this is a strange problem , kind of exhausted any ideas I have ...
  23. that's strange .. seems like it would move with the coils . I would take the sensor back and try a new one.
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