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About copperhead33

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    U.S. Southern Atlantic
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  1. turned mine off the other day also,thank god it was getting annoying
  2. nope,ill add the tint strip later was on it when i bought it
  3. thanks,thats my sister in law mustang i do mine myself,i order it precut then slap it on,hardest put is heat shrinking the rear window,it looks good on this color
  4. everything i own or have owned has been tinted,ive only had to pay twice since ive been tinting
  5. finally got around to putting my tint on,turned out pretty good,5% all around front door rear door
  6. the burnt copper color is way off,but i think it will look good,
  7. it shows it is in stock for pick up,i gotta go to town today so ill stop in and check on it and see if the color matches
  8. i was just in advance yesterday and all they had here was hemi orange and another orange but i didnt see that one,ill have to stop in and check on that
  9. ive got some victory red paint laying around that i used on my silverado but i also like the hemi orange color also,dunno if there is a paint that looks like the copper color
  10. looking for some ideals for my calipers ,my DJ is copperhead color,pics would help alot,im thinking orange but i like yellow also.
  11. whitewood in buchanan county,
  12. no no to fabric softner and sheets
  13. http://www.autogeek.net/cobra-waffle-weave.html this is what i use,
  14. southwest va i was effy at first but the color grew on my fast
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