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Everything posted by JacobGirty

  1. OK everyone on the steering wheel shake. Well got new tires we are ridei g cooper touring tires. The shake has got worse. I am wondering g if it could be one of the Rims could be warped from being rotated and Mounted in the last few months.
  2. from the last check up the brakes where 60% of wear. we have an appt with the dodge dealer Wednesday. tire person was possibly thinking that the rims could be warped !!!!
  3. ANY ONE CAN HELP ME!!!! I HAVE A Dodge Journey THAT Has a really bad steering wheel shake when you exceed 65 mph. we have gone to a tire dealer have exchanged a Firestone destination Re2 tire for some cooper touring tires and the steering wheel shake is the same. We have had this car to the tire place 5 times for the wheel store going as far a 3 alignments, 4-5 wheel and tire rotations and wheel balance. we have currently have 66000 miles on the car. Does any one have this problem and how did you fix this !!!!
  4. Haveing issues with what I call a death wabble with my steering. Have been having this issue since 50,000 miles have currently have 65,000 any one Haveing this issue?
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