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Everything posted by OXMAN

  1. IT was a front hub assembly. I did replace one side, not the other. I did not see any kinds of cables other than the brake line. What or where is the wheel sensor? I did have a valve stem replaced and they took out the sensor there to save me $70 lol.
  2. Well there were no wire's or anything to connect? ours is a base model so doesn't have cruise control. Thanks,
  3. Wheel sensor? Where would that be located? I didn't have anything to unplug. Thanks so much for your help.
  4. Hey guys, I have a 2009 Journey i guess RT. It's a base model 4 cyl. Well, i this pass week end i changed out my hub assembly (bearings). Mine did not come with a ABS cable, but the one i took off did not have one either. A coupe hours after I changed them out, my ABS, ESP, and traction control lights came on. They still remain on. Nothing much to changing the bearings, just curious if anyone knows why the Christmas tree has lit up? Thanks so much guys,
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