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Everything posted by Ragheed

  1. If I will describe my problem it wont be as clear as in Carrie Peavey's post.. I'm experiencing both problems you mentioned... the dealer replaced the radio "according to him" after 5 visits each visit 3-4 hours and discover after each time they didn't replace anything (by their confession) until the last time and after calling Dodge Canada (over year ago) the dealer told me yes, this time sure we replaced the radio for you.. ok.. the problem fixed, but got another one which is the clock keep gaining time.. I didn't even go to the dealer since that time, because I don't trust plus the warranty is over.. the second problem which started and the car was still under warranty, the cruise on/off button doesn't work (as Carrie said) once in a blue moon (once in thousands attempts or once per week). isn't something frustrating and my car mileage still 59000 km I will try to go to the dealer for once again, if this not fixed, for sure my next car wont be Dodge.
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