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  1. HVAC and radio sold - still have the Dash bezel fro 8.4" screen for sale
  2. It's not that expensive to just replace the head unit if that's all that's gone bad - if the screen is broken that's a bit more costly. You should be able to get a head unit for your 8.4" Uconnect at a wreckers or on e-bay for around $100 (for non-Nav version). somethign like this listing - https://www.ebay.com/itm/Radio-Receiver-Radio-Opt-RE2-ID-68210553AE-Fits-14-300-494360/312695983217?hash=item48ce220c71:g:PgMAAOSwihldJ4pJ Physically replacing the head unit takes less than 30 Min. and is plug and play. Chrylser 300 and dodge charger head units for the 8.4 screen will also work in our Journey's.
  3. I tried LED in low beams a couple years ago and they made my radio reception kind of fuzzy everytime headlights were on - anyone else notice this problem or is it just the brand I bought?
  4. The Bezel & Radio are from a 2014 and will fit 2011-2017 Journey. The radio /Head unit is for the 8.4" screen but is the RE2 version and not RB5 - so it doesn't have NAV but has all other Journey functions. The lower stack is for conversion to the auto HVAC controls but is from a 2011 which has no SD slot. Prices are in USD and include shipping to Canada or "normal" US destinations (will ship from the country you live in do no duty for you). Radio - $100 (includes theft unlock code) Bezel - $120 (includes vents & all clips intact) Lower HVAC stack - $50 or Buy the lot for $220
  5. So I ended up getting a used 2015 Journey screen from a local wrecker I found it on car-part.com and completing my project. Happy to report that everything clipped in to existing wiring and I now have a complete installation with GPS, Satellite and everything working including the auto Temp controls, rear climate controls and GPS turn by turn in speedometer screen. Oddly I didn't even have to re-connect my cell phone with bluetooth (must be in some other memory module). Only thing I may look at adding is the factory back-up camera - had an aftermarket wireless camera hooked up to may Garmin GPS but don't need that anymore
  6. Hey Saugie, Any chance you want to sell your old broken screen - I think I could use the mounting bracket from a Journey with the screen I have from the 300 to make it work. If you do I would need it shipped to Niagara Falls NY 14304. Thanks
  7. Thanks very much for the verification that 300 screen won’t fit journey. Still seems odd how many sites say it’s interchangeable but I won’t bother taking the screen apart now. I’ll just have to resell it grab one for the journey and yes car-part com is a great resource I got the 8.4 journey bezel off a wrecker on there for $67 shipped so I should be able to just grab a cheap screen from there.
  8. So first I got radio unlocked for $1 (euro) on E-bay from a vendor called radiocodesuk - took 5 min for them to reply and code worked. 2nd - I am having an issue with the 8.4" touchscreen that I got originally from a 2014 Chrysler 300 - part number says it is interchange/same as Journey screen (the one i have is 68105156AD) but the mounting tabs are flipped from how they are on the journey 8.4" screen. The screen has 4 mounting tabs, two that face down and two that face out the sides but the 300 vs Journey are reversed so when the screen is mounted in the Journey Dash bezel it's upside down. Also the 300 bezel has screw holes for all 4 mounting tabs while the journey bezel only has 2 mount holes that line up. Also the screen is a bit out of position so at the top of the screen opening you see the silver edge of the touchscreen. I'm wondering if anyone else that has done the swap has encountered this and why the same part number is used for screens with two different mounting brackets/supports. I'm thinking perhaps there are two versions of the mounting support brackets or maybe I can take the touchscreen unit apart and somehow move/flip the mounting tabs, perhapse they have several different mounting positions available in the one casing? Thought I would ask here before I start taking things apart.
  9. Anyone tried this freeaudiounlocking placefor a free code http://freeradiounlocking.com/brands/dodge-radio-code/ I'm kind of sceptical as they don't seem to charge a fee but might be worth a try to see if it's a scam or not?
  10. Thanks for the heads up on E-bay codes for $7 I will look into that. I've read some more and discovered that the numbers from the head unit and your vin create the code (basically a keygen) and some have gotten the dealerships to give it to them fro free. Apparently there service guys just punch in the info on their system and it generates the code. In addition to the RB6 head unit from the 2012 charger I have shipping to me from a wrecker on Ebay ($63) I managed to grab a 2014 chrylser 300 8.4" screen from a wrecker off ebay today for $147. I've got some requests for quotes in at a couple wreckers for the bezel - looks like it will be about $50-$75 shipped. I did also find the temp control with the SD card slot for $32 from a wrecker on e-bay so I grabbed that as well for the low cost I'll get the SD functionality. So all in with the new temp controls with SD slot I'm going to be at about $300 USD for upgrade from 4.3S to 8.4 with Nav. - crossing my fingers that it all works out.
  11. According to the YouTube video from ducati_996sps (Thanks that's a great real world Video that opens up the options for Head units and screens) you can use a RB6 Radio Head unit as the only difference is the RB6 has a Hard Drive built in. I have a 2011 Journey R/T with 4.3 screen (currently acting up and I believe needs replacing) and my Journey has the auto HVAC (split dial) and Bluetooth and serius so I just ordered a RB6 Radio unit from a wrecked 2012 Charger on e-bay for under $100. I have yet to find a 8.4 screen and Journey Bezel but will work on getting those items (probably from a scrap yard). I'm going to try and stay under $200 for the bezel and screen unit as my Journey is now nearing the end of it's life and I don't want to spend a bundle on it. I don't care about the SD card slot so I am going to just keep my current lower controls. Anyone have past success with the RB6 head unit - I've read that I may have an issue with needing an unlock code for a 2012 unit so I've asked the wrecker for the VIN from the vehicle. I'll update as I progress.
  12. So I have an update to what has transpired since my last post. I contacted the company that sells the external voltage regulator conversion kit and they told me that my 2011 journey would need a Modified Terminal Block for my Alternator which they haven't yet designed or have available. So I scrapped the idea of trying for an external voltage regulator. Based on the $120 diagnostic fee I paid to the independent shop telling me I needed the new PCM I took it to the dealer and had them install and program the new PCM board with the built in voltage regulator. The Dealer put in the new PCM and charged 2 hours of labour to reprogram, then they call me to tell me the battery light is still on the dash and problem is not fixed The dealer then proceeds to charge me another diagnostic fee to discover that I need a new alternator which they quoted me another $700+ to install a new one and they are pretty sure that's what was required all along. So I took back the vehicle to the original shop that told me that I needed the PCM and asked them what's up - they diagnose again for free and tell me yep I need a new alternator and the PCM board was faulty as well as they are now geting power frome the red wire off the new pcm where there was no power from the old pcm. So I'm left wondering if the shop is just covering their butt or if possibly some chain reaction occurred with one bad part causing the other to fail? But what can I do now but spend more time and money to test the old PCM and see if it's really faulty or just grab a used alternator for $100 and pay the two hours labour to have installed (which is what I'm doing). Either way I'm none too happy to have already spent over $1500 at this point and still need to spend more to get my Journey back on the road. I could have almost replaced an entire engine for what I will end up spending. Sorry it’s a bit of a rant but maybe this might help anyone else that experiences the same symptoms. I’ll post again if the replacement alternator and new belt doesn’t finally fix the issue.
  13. I guess they must have meant that the alternator was not supplying power to the battery but here's the latest anyway. On Late model Chry/Dodge/jeep vehicles it appears that the voltage regulator is now( integrated into the PCM (apparently the Journey PCM is also the main ECM computer) and that part (voltage Regulator) inside the PCM has failed on my Journey (the rest of the PCM is functioning properly). Took to the Dealership and they quoted me $920 CND for the part and 1-2 hours of labour to install and re-program the new PCM - with 13% tax that's about $1200 CND or $900 USD. Apparently there are no rebuilt ones available and they cannot use one from a salvage yard Journey as the VIN code has to be programmed into the new PCM to work with the other electronic boards and security systems and dealer says they cannot flash a PCM that already has a VIN embedded on it. I suspect there is a way to do it (erase old VIN) but the dealers just won't do it and since there is not an independent shop I know of that will do that either, I'm told I'm pretty much stuck getting a new PCM and having dealer program it at a cost of about $1200 CND. There is potentially good news though - I have looked around online and it appears that this problem has been around for a long time and there is a potential work around by bypassing the voltage regulator in the PCM and installing an external Voltage Regulator. There are even Kits (google ERCKFRM) that have ben made up with a component that will bypass the computer and turn off the dash light & "Battery saving mode" feature. http://store.alternatorparts.com/hd-external-voltage-regulator-conversion-field-replacement-kit.aspx So for a potential savings of over $1000 I have decided to order the kit and install it and see if it works as a fix. I'm also going to us a relay to have the connect the battery directly rather than running it through a 12V source in my fuse box so I can get a better connection with les voltage fluctuations. I'll post a write up about it so that if it works it can potentially help others. My Dodge Journey has 156000KM AKA 97000Miles
  14. Jason7380 - did you ever get your issues figured out? I have the same issue 2011 R/T AWD and they are telling me I need a new PCM (powertrain computer module) as it's not sending power to the alternator. Just wondering if thatwas your issue as well? Thanks
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