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About cody168

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    Canada British Columbia
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  1. If you re-read the first post by pyrater, on the second paragraph (Step 1...) he already hinted (one of the few places) where you can obtain the necessary files (they are waiting for you). Google is your friend. Or you can buy a used Garmin Nuvi 3490LMT or 3590LMT device on craigslist/facebook market place/ebay/amazon...
  2. 1. It will not respond to OK Google. Had to be done manually to the phone. 2. Text messages only work with Samsung devices. All other Androids had this Bluetooth "backward compatibility" turn off (even though the spac says it does work) by default. Text messages with any iPhone so far had never worked according to most recent poll.
  3. The only thing I could think of right now is get another USB 3.0 drive/card reader, and try again. Based on my experience, 31A0 = it doesn't like your USB drive anymore; 31A2 = not enough internal space for copying. I heard there is a hidden "engineering menu" with factory reset option on it, also a hidden "status menu" from the Nav screen. I haven't try it yet. Good to know. On a separate issue, for this I am more interest in knowing how to "zoom in" on the rear VES screen. It only display 4:3 by default.
  4. Just a note: Under no circumstances would you interrupt a firmware update process, especially dealing with uconnect system. Pulling fuse or disconnect battery will not solve your problem. It's like installing Windows OS on your computer, and in the process the power is disconnected, or while flashing your phone's software and the battery is removed. No matter how many times you try to restart it won't work because the very thing (firmware) that runs it is corrupted (not installed right).
  5. Wow that sucks... sorry to hear that. 31A0 error code, although not confirmed, but usually meant the Journey's radio does not like your USB device (drive/card reader/memory). Try a new USB 3.0 drive from Bestbuy/Amazon/local shop. What steps did you took to downgrade the firmware to CPT13? Could you confirm the "update" software (CPT13) is legit and is for your Journey's radio? If you flash the wrong firmware you would "brick" it. You don't need to pull the fuse or disconnect battery. Have you tried the "Garmin Recovery update" from the Dealer Mode menu? Have you tried the "Garmin Recovery update" from the Dealer Mode menu? load a USB drive with a firmware update (from Uconnect website) that is for your Journey and insert it.
  6. I just find it frustrating that some Canadian version of American stuff is always neutered, meaning we don't get the full package even it's built in. Same for Netflix, Amazon Prime, HBO... etc.I rather it does not have the function or the same system at all. This will definitely be a major consideration in my next vehicle purchase regardless how attractive the price can be for a Dodge/Chrysler/Jeep.
  7. the Journey system does not support any type of Chinese characters, at least in the North American versions.
  8. Exactly. We always get neutered stuff (in this case the software) in Canada, FCA Dodge - Journey included. That's just too bad.
  9. Canadian Journey's do not get Traffic from Sirius Canada. Other "higher end" Canadian Dodge/Chrysler/Jeep models does get Traffic from Sirius Canada, and usually only has one year free trial. 5 year free trials are available for our neighbors in the states. To have your Canadian Journey to receive Traffic you need to cancel your existing Canadian Sirius subscription (including free trail), and then call SiriusXM USA to subscribe with your existing Radio ID. You DO need a United States address to subscribe, however you can pay your US subscription with your Canadian credit card. You also can just have the Traffic service without the Satellite Radio (the quality sucks anyways).
  10. have you tired to list it on Amazon.ca?
  11. I am computer savvy, have a couple of good 8 gig USB keys, a decent internet connect and few hours to spare. Let's do IT!
  12. I would consider the radio subscription, however the music quality is real bad (low bit rate). The only stations that sounds good were the Classic Music channels, all others sounded like it came from a can.
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