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About Toluca

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  1. Hi dhh3 and thx for your help! Have not called them so far as I am in europe. Have emailed them but no answer. Might give them a call some time. Thanks for the help! Is that avatar a 707? Cheers, T
  2. Hi, I am a DJ Newbie myself so all I can help you with is check this link http://www.wkjeeps.com/Mygig_parts.htmto figure out which MyGig you have and go from there!
  3. Thank you. The ones on ebay etc... are labeled "the other way round" and I am not sure if they would fit anyway.. I checked the website you linked but they do not have it Maybe someone has a parts number or source? Thanks!!
  4. Hello all, I am new to this great forum. My 2009 Journey has the MyGig Satnav/DVD System "REU" (split unit with screen located seperately on the top of the dash). I bought it used and the USB cover (correct term?) is missing. See pic below. Any idea where I could get a replacement? Have searched google, ebay, mopar.com for days and no luck yet. THANK YOU for your help! T.
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