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Mark Smith

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About Mark Smith

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    Canada Ontario
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  1. Thanks soo much for the reply. I contacted the people at Navrepair and they were able to provide me with a code very quickly. Now just to do the swap! I am excited to give it a try! Also thanks for the tip on how to do the search. I have tried that now and it is quite effective! Thanks Mark
  2. Hello, I am new to the forum and in fact I haven't actively used forums for a number years so please forgive me if I am asking a question that is answered elsewhere. I did complete a search but was unable to come up with the answers I was looking for. I recently purchased a 2015 Dodge Journey Crossroad FWD without NAV. I have tracked down and purchased a unit from a salvaged 2014 Dodge Journey R/T with similar options. It is my understanding that it should be a straight swap from the unit in my DJ with the salvaged unit and that there will be no loss of functions and I will have NAV. I also understand that there is someone on the forum that is able to provide unlock codes for the unit being installed and I am looking to connect with this person. Can someone please confirm that my information is accurate and point me in the direction to find the person who can provide the unlock code? Does anyone have any other recommendations to super charge my unit......I.e. Lockpick, software enhancements etc. Thanks in advance Mark Smith
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