Okay so it's now coming up on nine months since we got the vehicle, and it's just past the 10k mark. Mileage has improved a bit, doing the two hour highway drive from Edmonton it sits at around the 7 L/100km range when we hit home. Town driving, especially when it's my wife doing it, is rougher on the economy - 12-14 L/100km, depending how much she's left it running with the AC on to cool down the interior. :rolleyes:
No mechanical problems at all *knock on wood* and we're about to do a long trip down to Calgary and into the mountains with it, so hopefully that trend continues. Replaced the driver's side wiper blade ages ago, and I'm going to replace the passenger's one before the trip. It's a shame they put such cheap ones on out of the dealership - the streaking is ridiculous.
I never did put the rear bumper guard on, and it hasn't taken any damage. I got the floor mats though, and they were a huge help in the winter and a muddy spring. Going to start making some changes to it, starting with a K&N CAI that I saw someone talking about. Deciding if I want to change the exhaust at the same time or not - probably won't. Never unlocked the front screen for use while driving, but still might.
Anything to watch out for as the vehicle rolls into 10,000+ km territory?