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Miggy17 last won the day on January 5 2016

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About Miggy17

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  1. finally after many dead battery issues, found the problem..

    I read about the automatic lights , note the issue, about the rechargable battery for the flashlight? not the problem... a heard about the main fuse box under the hood... so being an electrician and electronics person, I removed that box with had 7 connectors at the bottom, pulled them off and unclipped the fuse box as a unit.. they say the box has enough electronic components on the board to cause issues and no longer available..., when it was? it was over 600 dollars or more... but people do repair them for a price..... so careflly took the layer of the unit apart,.. one section is parallel and one section is verticle... Now on the kitchen table.. and all apart..  the verticle part is open to the road sort of... and it was covered in road dirt... one section where higher current was allowed to pass was covered like a magnet... used a kitchen soft brissle brush and cleaned it up and washed it off with electronics sprya cleaner... then sprayed it with Eurothane ... put it back together and not only does it work , but it does not drain the battery anymore and my milage has increased as well.... from 18 mpg to 24 mpg... this is on my 2010 journey rt ...

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    1. sad


      So can I show this response  to my dealer?  Is it still working?

  2. Sorry for posting a new thread new at this. Just looking for input on my issues. Thx to all.
  3. Ok so after bringing my JC to the dealer who wanted a lot of money I decoded to bring it to a local Mecanic very well known. He checked it out and said the new battery wasn't connected right. A day later my JC was dead again in the morning after jumping it it was stuck in limp mode traction control light was on wipers were moving. I then shut the car off restarted it now no more limp mode no traction control light and wipers stopped. I really give up at this point. Any one have same issues ?
  4. Ok. All fuses checked called dodge told them I had the TSB report on the software update. There going to run the computer to see if a update is needed for $54. If it does need an update it's an addition charge depending on how long it takes to update. Hopefully this solves the problem.
  5. Ok. Thx for the tip. I'll try the other fuses behind the glove box. I'll post my findings.
  6. Just a couple on the fuse block under the hood.
  7. Ty you for your help. No warranty but I have a copy of the TSB with the flash update guess I'll try another dealer. Thx again I'll let you know the turn out.
  8. Called the dealer today totally blew me off saying to reset the computer which means to me clear the codes was $115 bucks Or run a diagnosis for $115 and I also ran the vin not listed for any recalls plus it's 5 years old. So basically I'm screwed
  9. So i hooked up an amp meter its drawing 0.30 and raising to 0.38 up and down. All fuses in fuse block under the hood have been pulled one by one to see if meter drops stil stayed at 0.30.
  10. Well charged the battery up then disconnected the battery for an hour then reconnected and this morning same results dead as a door nail.
  11. Ty. Going to try and reset it. I'll post the results.
  12. My 2011 Dodge Journey battery is being drained by something I just replaced the battery 3 weeks ago. The alternator is good as well as the battery. It's always after the car sits overnight. Someone mentions the BCU could be doing it and it has to go to dodge to get reprogrammed anybody ever dealt with this issue. Much help needed. Ty.
  13. Anybody ever had the battery dead the next morning as if he accessory was staying on ? Having an issue with My 2011 journey crew.
  14. I have the same issue with my 2011 journey crew. Installed new battery gold series. Has to be jumped after few hours. Of sitting And 2 codes coming up throttle body sensor circuit and low voltage. Let me know how you make out with yours. Thx.
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