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Everything posted by MissMindy

  1. Filled the reservoir tank to cold level. Let engine run for 35-40. A friend was here and said the system did everything it was supposed to do. The coolant went into the engine, hoses pressured up, fan went on. Engine was running fine. Oil is clear. No leaks anywhere. However, no heat at all to interior. When you change the setting from floor, defrost, etc. you can hear the air flow change to that area. Cold air only. The temp gauge ended up a 7/8 and a bit of steam came out of the overflow. Turned the car off. Restarted and engine light was off again. Also, there is a hose that runs back towards the vehicle cabin, smaller hose, it was very hot. I don't understand how a heat issue is effecting everything. Is it safe to drive?
  2. I will check the oil and exhaust when I get home today. I will add that I noticed a very loud lifter tick when I started it the other day. It went away once it warmed up but it was more pronounced than I ever recall hearing. Keep in mind it's very cold here and I frequently use remote start. We are also getting a bit over my head here. I have a fairly knowledgeable friend coming over this aft to help. Thank you for all your help so far! Will keep you posted.
  3. Ahah, stop leak, I knew I'd get grief for that choice, however, a new rad at that point was good money after a lot of bad.... I'm using a pre mixed coolant and I will check with my manual on specs. I add it to the overflow tank. I live in Canada, it's cold here.... Can't use just water. I'm not sure where it is "going" as it didn't appear to be leaking for some time and my tip off that it was low was when the heater wouldn't warm up. The original leak was a slow drip but there was always evidence that it was dripping on the driveway.... I never drove it during this time as it was unreliable, the over heating issue is new. What I found confusing was that after the first time I topped it up, it over flowed, which I understand maybe I put too much in, however, I don't understand why it would overflow again a week later? Would that be because it was a warmer day and I drove it longer? I'm not sure about driving it anywhere as it is now. If I add more coolant, up to the cold line, is that wise? Could yesterday's engine light issue be due to too little coolant? Im worried that there is a complete blockage somewhere from that crap. If the engine sucks the coolant in, is that a sign it isn't blocked?
  4. Hi everyone. I am new to this forum. In the past of have come here for information and have found this a great resource. I have a 2009 AWD 3.5L. It has 116 000 kilometres. I have had multiple issues with this vehicle and unfortunately I have had less than pleasant dealings with the dealership. More unfortunately, my regular go to mechanic friend, who I trust implicitly, has had serious health issues and has been unavailable. Last spring I began to have issues with consistent starting. Two dealerships and two private mechanics later the problem was not solved. I always thought it was the starter but all 4 said it was the battery, which I had already replaced, twice. One dealership said it was due to the ignition recall. At that time a leak in the rad was noted. I chose not to fix it at that time as I was not driving the journey until the other issue was fixed. November. My mechanic friend is ok to have a look. Starter fixed within a couple hours. Being leary, against his advice, "Stop Leak" type product is put into radiator.... All is fine until last week I notice heat only on the driver side, engine light comes on. Top up rad, engine light goes off but one sided heat issue remains. (I consider heat issue to possibly be a control dial/electric issue). Start googling and seems like it could be complicated. Continue driving vehicle with eye on rad. Had one overflow after filling. Drive a few more days, short trips. Drive for over an hour doing errands and another overflow. Within minutes an inconsistent knocking/ticking coming from behind ignition/heater area. Stops when heater is off. Google and find blend actuator with picture of white plastic gears. Sounds like cogs breaking, I think. Next morning check rad and top up. Within minutes of driving engine light is on and temp gauge climbs quickly. Home and parked. Everyone and their dog has suggestions. I'm not very smart when it comes to vehicles and I can't bother my mechanic when he is this ill. However, I know from this forum that people continue driving their vehicles with broken blend doors. I can't change the rad so it will have to go somewhere. Before I do that I need exact answers. Clearly, the last time telling everyone that "something is draining the battery" wasn't enough. I'm not sure what type of questions to ask. I'm thinking of starting by changing the thermostat. I don't want to drive it anywhere...... Any help would be appreciated!
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