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Everything posted by larryl

  1. It is an 11yr old vehicle, it could be a bad ground,corrosion,battery etc etc if a dealer or mechanic can't help you don't know who can...good luck
  2. They program themselves when working...
  3. You cant reef down on the canister when putting it back on...doesnt need to be welded
  4. If you are a member of Sam's or Costco they are good I dont think Walmart will install a battery in a Journey
  5. Is your parking brake pedal engaging slightly ? I would be going back to the dealer for a little clarification of their diagnosis
  6. Okay......maybe it wasnt the sensors but something else
  7. Maybe the vent system on your filler pipe is bad or blocked??
  8. I would definitely try a pressure gauge as fuel pumps can be tricky to diagnose when they are failing..good luck
  9. If the battery is fine then you need to move on to other components like alternator, TIPM, bad ground,loose or broken wire..the possibilities are endless good luck
  10. This reads like you purchased somebody else's nightmare...they got rid of it for a reason Good Luck
  11. If you are gonna drain the tank change the fuel pump as well.....
  12. I'm sure there is some stupid FINE print that says when it's outdated the warranty will not apply or some nonsense like that. Maybe Peugeot will be able to help you soon... Good Luck
  13. i wonder why you bid on a vehicle with no fluid in it.........
  14. Depends on how much time and money you want to spend before you dump it as it could be several things no doubt
  15. take it back to where you bought it and get them to show you if it's only been a month?
  16. Your not buying a Toyota and towing the Journey to the dump? Good luck on the repair
  17. You should get the fluid and filter changed as a first step and use Mopar...but it could be several things TCM ,solenoid pack,clutch pack and on and on
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