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Everything posted by larryl

  1. Clear the CEL if it's for a stuck open Tstat
  2. Use Mopar oil and filter also if you want to save yourself some aggravation..
  3. And no one ever returns if they find a solution.....weird
  4. usually around the same as the coolant temp rarely over 205* I use 5-30 oil also approaching 210000 miles no consumption so far
  5. It would be outrageous if you have no money as you would also have to change the tranny as they are different and the 09's had a 3'5 not a 3.6 so you'd be hard pressed to find one. Basically a pipe dream look for a 2.4
  6. 3.6 is more than fine in my 2020 Grand Cherokee especially with the 8spd tranny
  7. I just reset mine I like it running cool....
  8. Hi this is an 8 yr old thread.... It could be your camera or the wiring harness in to the tailgate has broken wires...quite common
  9. You are dealing with a 15 yr old vehicle that is going to be prone to electrical issues because of it's age Wires get brittle corrosion takes over things start to go bad unfortunately.
  10. You have the bigger brakes on yours ..There were the smaller ones until a decision was made to improve them and make them larger One of the few wise moves made by the penny savers
  11. How's the condition of the battery and ground cables?
  12. Sometimes the thermostat opens and the car doesn't warm up to proper temp. Mine has done it a few times but I just clear the code I don't mind it running a little cool and the remote start will work
  13. Get one off Ebay or Amazon and install it no big deal Dealers don't care about you....
  14. The contract buyouts are starting to happen more frequently now Jeep people are finding out............
  15. You could also have broken wires in the harnesses into the doors as it's old and the wires are crap to begin with...
  16. 13 Crew here ordered new 205000 miles doesn't look new anymore but still chugs along
  17. Dear Sir Moog make compatible ball joints for these vehicles with grease zerks installed no drilling tapping req'd Have a nice day
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