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Everything posted by larryl

  1. Your post is extremely confusing...The water pump is separate from the power steering pump It might have overheated if fluid got on the serpentine belt causing it to slip and the pump not turning?? If you had a fire who knows what was ruined in the said fire
  2. Ummmmm possibly wiring ?????
  3. Another clear as mud post..............................
  4. It could be your hatch latch has been damaged and its triggering alarms as it works by fob also.....just a thought
  5. Have you verified the timing belt is in good shape?
  6. 119000 miles on my fantasy 6spd..... the dealer should at least look at your POS tranny before you buy whatever else you are going to get to get rid of all your car problems...good luck and hope you dont have to rant on another vehicle forum. Also I hope you dont have the fuel dilution issues Hondas are having......you should google that also...good luck
  7. Could very well be the post of the year
  8. It's probably a mechanical issue inside the tranny that will not put out a code......... not an electrical issue
  9. wheel bearing would be my guess.....
  10. If you have a cel light on it will interfere with the remote start it is a built in safeguard to protect the drivetrain..
  11. Wow another happy poster looking for mythical advice and getting annoyed when it doesnt magically appear TAKE IT TO A COMPETENT MECHANIC FFS and stop abusing people who are trying to give knowledgeable friendly advice which is all it is yikes..
  12. Or they would be wrapped around a tree
  13. So do you still blame the POS vehicle? or is all good in the world now ?
  14. I might guess that whoever you bought it from screwed things up royally when they installed the battery and alternator.....or they were trying to hide something from you by doing so. Hope you enjoy your next vehicle I have a 2013 with 117000 miles on it and it has been a peach not a lemon
  15. if you have the brakes they wont fit
  16. North America did not get this version that you have...many things might be different
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