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Everything posted by larryl

  1. Stop Leak=Stop everything It has probably sealed up every passage with gunk
  2. I thought they stopped making the SWB Caravan when they introduced the Journey and kept the Grand Caravan- Town and Country?
  3. Was the Journey not built as the replacement for the Caravan?
  4. But will the Nav work?? hahaha just kidding
  5. It is their Achilles heel on these vehicles I'm beginning to think I'm on refurb unit # 4
  6. it is the storage compartments they act like a wall when snow and slush hit them and yes they are loud
  7. I got then from Ebay also and the seller specified that the tabs were correct which I didnt get but now I do
  8. When I got mine I had to change the rubber seal then it snapped right in otherwise it wouldn't fit but I had the correct tabs
  9. That is a frequent problem with the 3.5 dipstick and sometimes it can be a pain getting the broken one out I had mine replaced under warranty when I owned an 09
  10. You need to go to someone who knows what they are doing we own Journey's we don't fix them Merry Christmas
  11. Wow that's quite the fix now if the Nav units could be so easy
  12. I looked under mine and apart from cutting every wire the connectors dont match not just unplug and plug
  13. my 2013 has a smaller connector than the 2011 seats that I got on both pass and driver sides
  14. Hey Rocky watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat
  15. You have to be careful of the wiring harness connectors they are not all the same size I found this out
  16. It is not helping that you continue to drive said vehicle with theses issues and find yourself a competent mechanic
  17. A would also buy another one 3.6 is great and the brakes are SUPER compared to older versions. I would recommend buying the extended warranty from Chrysler only if you plan on keeping it My only complaint is the Nav system in mine but others have had good luck and they have had three yrs to improve it
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