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Everything posted by larryl

  1. Its to the point now where you cant mess with the electronics-they mess up nicely on their own Not like the old days where you could take out the crap and install nice
  2. Take it to the dealer so they can see the issue and try to fix it At least you will have a starting point with the problem
  3. could it be a no start from the transmission issue not recognizing Park? have you tried to start it in neutral ?
  4. If it gets to hot it can ruin your wheel bearing also (happened to me) in an 09 RT
  5. They are running out of BS excuses if they are blaming it on the weather
  6. Must have been a epic fail of your temp gauge to not give some kind of warning. You might be better off looking for a used engine
  7. well mine are must be an odd one I guess
  8. Mine are secured with a Metal screw I have had to replace with a larger one as my dog yanked it out
  9. When I went to the dealer it wasnt a "knee jerk" reaction it was a "want to get it fixed" reaction When my warranty expires I will gladly let you give it a shot if it breaks
  10. Just noticed now? a little to late
  11. My guess is the harness into your tailgate has wires broken I had an 09 that needed the harness replaced because of this
  12. The good ol US of A we take up the hoop in Canada why? because we can its sad really that we dont get the options and coverage you do enjoy your Dodge
  13. The other issue I think is when you get a replacement it is a refurb unit which is basically broken and repaired. If it doesnt break then there is no need for a replacement so why not put a NEW unit or module in and throw the broken stuff in the garbage??? I'm on my 4th refurb unit and yes I have warranty
  14. larryl


    Why not? Its the same size just more road noise from a truck tire
  15. larryl


    Any one you want
  16. Doubt its a 3.6 ltr eng maybe 3.5?
  17. 3.6 does not have a timing belt,easier to change the oil and was better on fuel than my 09 RT 3.5 I vote for the 3.6
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