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Everything posted by larryl

  1. 2009 how are the ground connections? They are important also
  2. Sometimes I think these are AI generated why waste typing?
  3. Thats gonna be an expensive 2015 Journey....yikes
  4. Take the thermostat out and try running it?
  5. As soon as you cross cables and try to jump the damage is sometimes hidden blown fusible links and also the TIPM could have taken a hit Seems like jumper cables do more harm than good in modern vehicles....good luck
  6. Yup good luck Helen enjoy your next trouble free ride Dodge doesn't have anything you like anyway
  7. If it's LED I think the whole unit has to be replaced not really a bulb?
  8. Are you blaming the person who replaced three thermostats or another junk vehicle post ? Three thermostats seems quite excessive as I still have my original one..
  9. I gave up on the 19's put 17's from a Caravan on and seems to be a nicer ride...
  10. 196000 miles and almost 7000 hrs on my 3.6 2013 bought new original coils and injectors- plugs have been changed 3x with OEM's at 50-100 and 150000 miles hard to beat OEM on these engines
  11. I can see changing the plugs but why mess with injectors and coil packs for no reason especially if they were OEM's to aftermarket?
  12. A four yr old thread about a vehicle that nobody cares much about anymore unless they break 😦
  13. 12000 foot trains ran much better with a person on the tail end as well as the head end but the RR prevailed in getting rid of the caboose When I worked if your train came apart you could head from the front and the rear of the train. Now you head back and if there's a foot of snow the walk can take a while. Glad smarter heads prevailed for now the RR always gets it way especially since it's owned by shareholders more with less
  14. reads like battery or ground issue to many things happening at once?
  15. Odds are your going to get crickets an old thread
  16. How's the ground straps?? Was one left off with all the work you had done?? 4or 6 cyl
  17. We are not all having the same problem and sometimes problems get fixed but they never reply cause their problem is gone
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