Well today I got the replace battery message so maybe mine was getting low- also have to get my radio replaced again as the Navigation has crapped out again
Its very common dealers have them in stock I was able to get mine out as it broke in the right place
You might be able to get a needlenose plier on it good luck
I factory ordered it and it was FWD you could do that back then not anymore in Canada now RT is only AWD
I also changed all fluids at 80k and then at 160 along with the timing belt water pump etc
The UNIT has to be replaced plain and simple your dealer is BS ing you
They tried the disc thing on mine 1st then just changed out the unit it works fine now they have issues with them
If you are gone for 48hrs you have an $800 exemption and you dont get anything when declaring and crossing back into Canada
I have brought several sets back this way with no problem I have Nexus