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Everything posted by larryl

  1. So can it be programmed into the BCM if I dont have it??
  2. I have a question My 09 RT I could roll the windows with the remote by pressing the button twice Does my 13 Crew have this function? Cant seem to figure it out if it does Thanks
  3. I'm averaging 26mpg with 4200 miles on it love my fwd
  4. $1200 as opposed to $3000 from the dealer who would have sent it out anyway
  5. Here are a few pics of my 2013 crew with the leather installed. It is the Premium package from Katzkin. The color is black with a grey insert that compliments the Storm Grey exterior
  6. Very nice Where were you camping?
  7. Is the transmission solenoid buzzing when shifting from park to drive or reverse?
  8. What if you dont like the vehicle? You would have driven 2 hrs regardless, sadly you now reside in Canada where vehicle buying is a whole new ball game with respect to the USA Be prepared to pay MORE for LESS
  9. I had to get that done to mine also and it came with the prep package
  10. 1000 miles on my 13 Crew.On a trip from Nia Falls to Myrtle Beach the EVIC displayed 31.8 mpg upon arrival will see what the ride home gets. There were times when I was getting over 32-far better than my 09 RT as I never did better than 27.5 on any trip..
  11. It is sad in the US you can get an RT in fwd here in Canada no such luck awd or nothing and pay top $ to get it
  12. I'm going to put one on my 13 Crew as I had the same on my 09 RT with no problems and they are well built Mine did rust a little but it is a hitch and is subject to lots of abuse
  13. My new one is the Storm Grey Metallic it's a nice color to bad it's dirty cause the weather has been trash since the day I picked it up
  14. Hey Chris probably cant get it Canada its to good a product for us LOL
  15. Next time it does it leave the ignition on put your foot on the brake and put it from park to drive back to neutral and try it worked every time for me
  16. We have almost the same vehicle coming and arriving at the same time mine is on a rail car
  17. larryl

    On order

    Its great you can leather in a Crew I have a Crew in transit now and I'm going to put aftermarket leather in because in Canada you can only get leather in an RT which only comes with AWD as Chrysler thinks thats what all Canadians want
  18. Did you wire them direct or from the DRL's? Thanks
  19. I have the Yokohama Prada 235/55/19's no issues
  20. That procedure does work to reset the windows I have used it several times
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