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Journey Member
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Everything posted by larryl

  1. Sounds like the old "needle in a haystack" as the possibilities are endless
  2. Whoever you get to do the service make sure to use Mopar tranny fluid they seem to like the oem fluid best
  3. Are you not supposed to rotate tires every 10000klm's? Especially an AWD vehicle snows or not
  4. So the old will fit the new? Maybe I will remove mine off my 09 RT and do what you are doing Thanks
  5. Heading to Myrtle Beach on the 8th for a week in my old 09 RT so Im taking it in for the $69.95 check up special and getting the Snows taken off for the trip hope I dont need them I have ordered a 13 Crew but dont expect it till the end of May Welcome to the forum
  6. I got my plugs,tranny fluid,and antifreeze changed at the dealer at 50000 miles and then again at 100000 miles The transmission has no dipstick and a gauge is needed to check the level Wouldnt hurt to change engine oil and filter but the transmission and antifreeze I think would wait a while
  7. You will be missed enjoy your new position Chrysler only needs about 5000 more like you and there would be no need for this forum
  8. When you hit unlock you have to hit it again and hold it down they will stop wherever you like by letting off great on a hot day
  9. Are getting the rear door rattle? I had to fade out the rears because of the severe rattle in both doors and I dont have it blasting or the base past +2 09 RT with the Infinity sound
  10. The Niagara Hamilton region has a lot of Journeys on the road everywhere a big seller here
  11. That is very sad on Chrysler's part WTF???
  12. Why do you need AWD? An RT with FWD would be a real nice Journey especially a 13 only wish I could get one here The calipers on the front look much bigger so maybe Chrysler has fixed what was a big design error on previous models That being said they have come a long way since the 09's in every dept
  13. Anybody had the weatherstripping fall off from the rear quarter panel that seals the rear doors to the panels? They are only about a foot long and the dealer wants $26.00 each I have lost both of mine and they are only a "press" fit part # 05076879AA and my dealer told me now is not a good time to put them on because of the sand,salt etc but they do help with road noise and debris entering around the door
  14. I was thinking of ordering a new Crew with the Nav but now I might have a rethink and get the 8.4 without it To bad because its an easy order although its $2000 seemed to be worth it They really need to solve these issues BEFORE they send them out
  15. It looks like a gauge on the end of a bathroom sink chain for lack of a better term I dont think the actual filter and fluid change is all that different from the old 4sp tranny
  16. I have had the fliud changed twice in my 09 RT and the only issue is there is no dipstick in the tranny and a special tool is req'd to measure the fliud I would advise only using Mopar fliud and filter the tranny likes that
  17. EMS that is a nasty story did you go back to the dealer who charged you $100 for a misdiagnosis?? Scary
  18. 2013 Crew comes with heated seats and steering wheel you cannot get leather seating in the Crew
  19. The DRL turns off when you activate the turn signal
  20. Good thing you dont have an 09 the seats are a disaster a real lousy design compared to my 00 Town and Country its what I dislike most about my RT
  21. If you lived in the USA you could get an RT with FWD not offered in Canada for some reason
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