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Everything posted by larryl

  1. brought them back on a 48 weekend as I got them from The Tire Rack
  2. I use the synthetic from WalMart and when its to cold out my dealer uses MY oil not theirs and they have no issue
  3. Oil change is simple-drain plug in a good location 13mm wrench I have the oil cooler so the filter is on an angle but still easy to get at I use the mopar filter MO-899 and10w30 synthetic oil and change it every 5000 miles I have ramps and change my own unless its to cold outside
  4. I bought the Yokohama Parada 235/55/19 and I'm happy with them- a nice tire
  5. The new Exploder is nice but I think you should be comparing it to a Durango not a Journey-the Edge is the Journey competition no?
  6. All depends on the rail roads now so dont hold your breath
  7. It is called "wind buffeting" there is a section in the manual that refers to it & yes it is very annoying & hard on the ears
  8. my 09 RT always stays as set when in auto mode
  9. I work for CN dont hold your breath waiting for your vehicle-rail service isnt what it used to be But when you do get it enjoy it
  10. I have an 09 RT with the "auto" hvac settings & when I use the remote start the fan blows @ moderate speed & also the rear defrost & heated mirrors activate & works very well to my astonishment
  11. I would think its the rotors having surface rust from the rain and the pads "grabbing" the rust-after the rust is gone they should smooth out
  12. probably cause no one has attempted to do what you have done
  13. you press "unlock" on the fob then hold it down a second time until the windows are down as far as you want them I have the RT and its in settings-you can find the info in the manual
  14. Also like the tap feature for signaling,the window down feature with the fob,the ipod connect,the remote start automatically turns the rear defrost on,the lights on with the wipers feature,the "gascap"word instead of a check engine light,the back doors open right up.
  15. Mine did not need to be replaced when I had my plugs changed
  16. I have16" steel wheels on my RT and there is no issue with caliper clearance-the brakes are the same from an SE to an RT
  17. I would check the dealer also for a Mopar original
  18. I have them and they are great the- left front caliper seized on me and I drove for over 100 miles with the rotor white hot- but after getting it to the dealer and a new caliper installed the rotor was unscathed and is still good as of today you cannot go wrong- I also talked to the guy on the phone-a real nice guy
  19. I use the one from the dealer (Mopar)
  20. My Ipod does not drain my battery & it sits in there for weeks @ a time-its the 80gb Classic
  21. Hope the seats are better than my leather"wood" seats does look good-the photos show the model as LUX? not RT?
  22. WeatherTech now has Side Window Deflectors for the Journey they are $99 + shipping but well worth it as they fit IN the window channel as opposed to adhesive tape on the outside
  23. Lots of Journeys in the Hamilton area they must be quite popular there
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