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Everything posted by larryl

  1. Left wheel has to come off then there is a cover on the fender wall that removes for access if I looked at it right-a nightmare no doubt
  2. I have 26000 klm's & will probably need pads @ 30000 klms as my pads are worn also-but they are wearing evenly
  3. I just got 4 215/70/16 Winterforce tires that are going on steel rims from my dealer- paid $302 US for all 4 shipped to my US mail box I will listen to the chime & ignore the little light on the dash The tire size calculator says the speedo will only be out by + - .5 mph which will be fine as compared to the 19" wheels Thanks
  4. Just for the rims I have snows already Got them from my dealer
  5. Picked up my 16' rims today-$480.00 taxes in I said no to the tire pressure valve stems as I will drive around in the winter with the light on -on the dash- not worth $300 for something that was not necessary until 2008(another government BS move) along with Ontario's Etest cash grab I'm getting wheel covers from ebay that look like the chrome spoke from my 2000 T&C so they should look half decent anyway Hopefully I wont need them until december
  6. Where are you getting rims for $75.00 ??(what dealer) I was told by my dealer they are $110 so you better buy them while you can if they are that cheap I will get a set from them if its true Thanks Larry
  7. larryl

    1st problem

    Thank you -your reply was right on & it was the correct fix
  8. larryl

    1st problem

    20000 klms & the 1st problem on my RT is the driver side window "xpress up" no longer works & because I'm used to it its a pain in the butt Taking to the dealer tomorrow to find a fix-so I guess I cant complain
  9. yes the dust is bad & very annoying
  10. I bought the Purolator Pureone @ Advance Auto in Nia Falls NY for $5.88-I could have the cheaper one for $3.88 but I like the Pureone better Basically buy 3 get one free as opposed to Mopar-& sometimes they run sales The filter #5708664 thats for the 3.5 engine
  11. Yes mine downshifts if I have the cruise on & I head down a hill etc etc this was the same on my 2000 T&C t
  12. I got a harness with my RT as I got the pre tow package which I will never use just did it for the engine oil cooler
  13. Yes I installed mine-it is easy
  14. The mat is ok - how ever it does not have a "spill lip" on it
  15. I have the RT & it has automatic temp control(both sides) it was great going to Myrtle Beach
  16. Mine are in the mail-hope they work & look as good as yours
  17. I agree with the tailgate light now I can make it better thanks How will the license plate bulbs act in the winter??
  18. A trip to the dealer for reprogramming??
  19. My dealer Niagara Chrysler has sold 2 I was there yesterday getting tires rotated & they asked me if my power steering pump was "whining" as they have the R&R bulletin-I said it does it once in a while but I'm leaving it for now as I dont have the "grinding" yet
  20. larryl

    Most miles?

    10300 klms-time for first tire rotation
  21. Found out today @ Advance Auto that the fuel filter is a "non serviceable" item so I guess that means its in the tank with the pump Why would they do something that insane especially with the garbage fuel that is used today I can see a major expense when the filter clogs and starves the pump etc etc Unless they are wrong @ Advance & there is a filter
  22. I hope your taking it back to the dealer or calling Chrysler-imagine on the side of the road??
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