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Everything posted by larryl

  1. larryl

    Where do you live?

    Niagara-on-the-lake Ontario Have an RT on the way
  2. larryl

    my new rt

    Very nice I have one on order & its on a rail car headed my way How is the owners manual for explaining & detail? From what I've seen on SXT's there is no Tranny dipstick & that concerns me as we dont have the "Lifetime Powertrain" warranty here in good rip us off Canada
  3. Hi My insurance is going to be $400 more canadian a year I ordered the RT 5 wks ago & have 5 or 6 wks to go as I was told 10-12 wks
  4. New ones are popping up here in Southern Ontario & upstate NY Took an SXT out yesterday very nice ride but a few things I dont care for like the lousy tilt-telescopic wheel function that is useless compared to my 2000 T&C Also the Ignition "KEY" that is not a key but some sort of "Stick" that will cost a fortune to replace when it screws up also its not something you can put in your pocket like a normal key-strange very strange I think I'm going to order a R/T version not AWD
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