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Everything posted by larryl

  1. Trains don't stop for holidays..these wheels must turn lol Almost 36 yrs with CN I knew it well Tell him to stay safe and Merry Christmas to you and yours
  2. At least he's not being punished by the "Big Boys" I thought maybe Altoona or something glad he enjoys his work No shortlines when I hired on LOL
  3. Temporary Engineer as in Locomotive?
  4. I find in my 13 Journey that a SD card works just as well as a USB stick and its out of the way
  5. The Blue Devil head gasket repair is probably not helping out at all actually makes things worse As stated above get someone to look at it soon or it will be a throw away
  6. My 13 is behind the skirt on the rear left wheel towards the front of the wheel well maybe Australia is different
  7. You probably shouldn't' delay any of them as they are all pretty important to a safe and good running vehicle??
  8. If it's an 09 must be a 3.5? looks like an axle leak?
  9. Can't hurt to change it or get it load tested
  10. How "good" is your new battery? Are the connection's good and tight at the battery?
  11. The rubber brake lines can collapse from the inside on these vehicles and can go unnoticed
  12. Google and Wrecker's are your best source to find this info....... Try Car-Part.com
  13. Reads like you have big issues and you need to find someone you trust to help you out It is not going to be a cheap fix by the sounds of it maybe more than the car is worth...good luck Also this is a 5 year old thread
  14. It could be a bearing ,CV joint ,transmission mount, torque converter, flex plate, many possibilities even tires?
  15. 4cyl. or V6?? have they put the right type of coolant when this work was done?
  16. Which engine??? You tube is your friend for this
  17. Seems like a waste of time but you could search the forum to see if anyone has done what you are asking. Most people just get in and drive them......good luck
  18. Another vague question expecting an answer??? How many miles on it? Maintained regularly? Battery good? Did you use a code reader? Is it getting fuel? ECM okay? What plugs did you use? OEM or aftermarket sensor? that can make a difference On and on....
  19. The money you spend on fixing a 14 yr old Journey is going to cost more than you could get selling it...good luck
  20. One would wonder why you bought it?? Put a transfer case in would be the logical answer....good luck
  21. I had the same issue replaced the module still the same result Put the summer tires on and everything works as normal now....crazy
  22. Your 13 probably can't support an Iphone13 in the aux port You are best off downloading to a USB stick or using a SD card for music it works flawlessly in my 13.....good luck
  23. You would have needed the whole unit as they are totally different... Check out infotainment.com for the best info.
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