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Journey Member
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Everything posted by larryl

  1. Tried two working sensors..hoping its not a bad wire but I guess it could be.
  2. My TPM Module failed no reading from the left rear.... going to try a scrap yard replacement 176000 miles
  3. Could be a broken wire in the harness between the liftgate and body ? they do break there
  4. Neutral back to Park always worked for me...
  5. Cracked Flywheel or Flex Plate?
  6. If they blink the batteries are dying...do all four with a garage you trust and use OEM
  7. Ok but there are Mopar dealers on Ebay they are not counterfeit they are OEM
  8. Better to replace the belt than the engine...If it breaks the engine is toast
  9. I got a cap from the dealer mopar...fixed it
  10. Might be time to move on to a better built vehicle...There are a lot of lemons on a tree
  11. A wild guess but did you make sure the old gasket came off when you took the filter off?
  12. Try putting the regular bulbs back in....sometimes LED lights can mess things up
  13. You Tube is your friend.....
  14. You can do a lot worse than a Dodge Journey....
  15. I wonder if they forgot to disconnect wires when they uninstalled the theft system and something is still messed up? The IBS connector on the battery could be an issue also depending on how things were wired
  16. Have you changed the timing belt and tensioner? If not you could be looking at major engine issues especially since it was ran with no oil in it ?? That's not good either
  17. Journey's and Caravan's were built on the same platform don't know about Jeeps
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