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Everything posted by Hankster

  1. I have had this on my 2013. I picked the foam out of the front rocker panel area so the water could drain. I sealed up the clip holes the wiring retainer hole and some other holes. Been several years now all is good. Hank
  2. Try unplugging the actual abs module. Salty water and the green crusties might have had there way with it. May even be one of the sensors that connect to it. I would continue to unplug things until you find the root cause. Hank
  3. On the journey yo simply move the heat slowly all the way up then all the way down. Its as simple as that.
  4. I found an online service manual that might help us all. www.dodgia.com
  5. I have had that on mine since I bought it. I can get it to go away for awhile if I spray silicone lube into the control arm bushings. After a few weeks it returns.
  6. Hankster


    Take a look to see if the under floor storage bins have water under them. Hank
  7. I have had this problem. I tracked the water to the cowl area some body seams needed resealing them. I also cleaned out the drains under the rocker panel.
  8. Were you having problems or noise? What brand parts? Did this solve any issues, thanks for sharing this with us.
  9. Cut it out with a Sawzall and demo blade. Then replace with a new cam bolt, cam washer and rear toe link. I did this last spring couldn't get the cam bolt out.
  10. There shouldn't be any play in the roller. The rocker shouldn't move when you try to wiggle it.
  11. Check out for play in the rear take links. They cause the rear tires to wear on the inside edges as well.
  12. If you have brake vibrations replace them regardless. Hank
  13. I finally had this U70 recall done! I have a new catalytic converter and the latest software update. So far it runs much quieter and smoother, the transmission seems to work with the engine better. So far I am happy we had this done. Hank
  14. Yes on the 2.4L its cluchless. It starts and stops by changing the pump displacement inside the compressor. Hank
  15. If it isn't leaking, I would simply leave it as is.
  16. Before replacing the noisy pump try cleaning or replacing the fluid reservoir.
  17. The lower is the toe link, also called the lower forward lateral link.
  18. Thanks for the tips, parts are ordered. I soaked the bolts and will attempt next week. Hank
  19. I'm looking for info on the toe adjustment cam bolts. I'm wondering if someone here has had any luck removing them without having to cut them off
  20. I have the stability issue as well on my 2013. New tires helped, an alignment check showed that the front was good, the rear camber was close to the limit of negative camber. The toe was toed out past the limit. I checked the control arms and bushings, and found play in the inner bushings of the toe links. Before I attempt to replace these, has anyone done this? How about the adjustment cam bolts? Hank
  21. I had this happen on the 3.6 in my van. I also noticed that the spring was loose in the cap. Check for this by shaking the cap, if it rattles. Replace it. Hank
  22. Hankster


    The only way you can get under the carpet is to pull the threshold trim. Hank
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