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Journey Member
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About JoeyJourney

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    Canada Quebec
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  1. It was a recall, not sure exactly what it was but from what i read they add/replace a tab that could damage the wires Follow up on the situation it starting to get a little worst need to hit it more and more as time goes, Still not as bad as it was
  2. So i brought the car in for a repair that replaced a tab in the steering wheel Now it seems to be working 95% of the time YAHOOOO Still need to smack sometimes but not as bad,Just hope that it stays this way Thanks everyone for your insights
  3. Thanks for the information ill check that out hopefully it doesn't cost me that much or else ill need to live with it If I say that only the power and thew cancel button have trouble and the rest work, it would probably be more of a clock spring situation then the SCCM?
  4. So i got a 2011 Dodge Journey Crew, Beside some miner inconvenience with the car and the dealers not wanting to fix the header, I really love my car Another problem that has been driving me crazy is the cruise control. I can only get it to turn on when i am holding the button down and turning a corner, This works maybe 40% of the time and the other 60% is hitting the panel In extreme cases is i need to unlock the pivot for the steering wheel and hitting it up and down I do a lot of highway and use cruise all the time I wanted to know if anyone has bypassed the harness before the steering wheel and added a button to activate the cruise contral I dont know if this is even possible but i am sure someone on here has a answer for me Thanks in advance
  5. Can a normal OBD2 read this code. Last time i checked with a friend and we had not found any code stored after my check engine flashed and went away after the flashing stop And at the dealer they said they did not find anything and that it takes 3 misfres to get the checke engine to come on Thanks for tje TSB Journey_SeXT ill use this to trough in there faces
  6. Yes the rpm's do drop win it starts shacking a lot I have not used the A/C at all yet (tried it once to make sure it works) After reading on the net on on this forum, it seems to be ether left head cyclinder or something to do with the cam phaser The garage wont do anything tell i get a check engine and i know theres a problem I dont know what to do from there I know they need to do a comprision test for the head but is it the same test for the cam phaser? If so i would pay to get the test done so i know they will find something. i dont want to pay for the test and it has nothing to do with the problem Im also sorry for the bad English (french guy from Montréal
  7. Tuneups have always been on time Its always shaking a little at lights but sometimes it's worst I can't get it to duplicate. Only does it when it wants
  8. Hi everyone So the journey has started shacking and bouncing at stop signs and lights really at low speeds and idle. Sometimes its gets so bad that i theeth shatter together. When its gets that bad the check engine comes on and flashes but after its done flashing the check engine is off (has happend 3 times in the last 3 weeks). I scaned it at a friends and there is no code So i brought it to a dealer and they have told me that i dont have any check engine and no codes that tell will have to charge me for everything if its not coverd by the power train warrenty Has anyone else had this kinda problem Any help would helps tons Thanks in advance 2011 Dodge Journey Crew 3.6 82000km
  9. Haha really maybe I have driven beside them
  10. Thanks everyone Yes all the other switches work I need to hit them with the palm of my hand to get it to work I have ordered new switches off of eBay hopfully that'll fix the situation
  11. Hay everyone Just got my DJ yesterday 2011 crew Loving the 3.6 (coming from a crapy 1.6 chevy aveo) What a difference I'm in love with the DJ at the moment Only thing that sucks is my cruise control seems to only work after hitting the switches Besides that everything is great
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