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Mrgixxer6 last won the day on September 9 2020

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About Mrgixxer6

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  1. Reboot as noted earlier in this thread corrected it. Curious if anyone figured out this software issue? Supper odd. Now... I do have Maps from my Nuvi installed...
  2. Ok so get an 8.4 with Apple Play in your DJ and tell me the details ha! I don't understand how you can have a car that's so incompatible with the most popular phone in the WORLD!?! Jesus. Lol
  3. Has a fix been found for the blank map issue? Today is the first time I've ever seen it. Of course as I'm driving to SC to visit my brother. The info screen still shows turn alerts and it still shows exits on the main screen as well. Gotta be a software hiccup. I haven't had the opportunity to stop and shut the car off yet. So unsure if that will fix it. I noticed it got stuck on calculating this AM before we left so I cancelled and then tried again. It got me started on my trip but sans maps lol!
  4. Thanks for the info man. I haven't even messed with it at all yet but it frustrates the hell out of me. I'm wondering if it's an ID3 tag version conflict or "conflict" lol
  5. But that is the problem. As I said in the OP some of the albums it messes with the order and alphabetizes them rather than keep them in order. . I was hoping someone knew how I can make it always put my albums in order. It really messes with a live album lol.
  6. Not true though it doesn't do it for all albums or artists...
  7. Question... This thing screws up my music library on my SD card and on my iPhone. I have 9200 songs on my iPhone and a lot of the albums it alphabetizes the songs rather than keep them in order?!! Any idea how to fix that? Same with some on the SD card.. And it's different albums!?!? I just don't get it
  8. What did you use to get the tears to stay in?? Mine came out and are just sitting in the shed
  9. Here is link to my photobucket.. didn't really take a bunch of pictures.. probably should have, but you get the idea.. i'll add a picture of the front of the amplifier as well.. http://s1360.photobucket.com/user/davidshearer4/library/Journey
  10. Hey bro.. the amp is under the passenger seat where the OEM alpine amp was. Its obviously larger but fits under there perfectly.. i will upload a picture later today of it under there. We also ran 4 gauge to the amplifier directly from the battery. apparently its super easy on these cars so long as you don't have a manual... there is a giant rubber plug for the clutch pedal that we went through. I also figured out the other issue.. apparently there is a Fade disable on the amplifier that was turned on.. then it uses just the front input of the amp to power all 5 channels.. which wouldn't be an issue if you didn't want to fade... or want park assist. once that was turned back off, obviously fade and balance worked as intended and the park assist beeps resumed. Looking at the OEM enclosure it looks like you could modify it for a 10" sub. i may try this at some point, but i need to stay on the down low a bit with the spending on the car.. the wife is getting a little ticked.. I did have to modify the stock enclosure to fit even this 8" because of depth. it was easy enough to cut and reseal the enclosure.
  11. Installation is complete and WOW WHAT A DIFFERENCE!!! i definitely recommend doing this upgrade... after looking at at the subwoofer enclosure, it looks like you may be able to fit a 10" in there.. i may eventually try it, but the Kicker CompR 8" sounds AMAZING... I elected the Kicker KX800.5 5 channel amplifier.. its 50x4 RMS @ 4ohm and then 400x1 RMS @ 2ohm to the subwoofer. I still need to mess around with settings as with the PAC Adapter i apparently lost Fader when i expected to only lose the EQ settings... i also don't have my park assist beeps... I'll keep you updated as to my findings...
  12. Ok. Wednesday the kicker kx800.5 amp is getting installed!!! As well as Kicker compR 8" in the oem enclosure. Super stoked! Praying to get the sound that I want.
  13. Well i decided to just order the correct adapter from PAC and not even mess with it. Im not worried about bass mid and treble with a sub level controller. A friend of mine that works at rockford fosgate told me about the noise cancelling mics... really not sure what they do as i've been out of it forever.. only reason i'm doing anything with this car is it sounds like complete crap!
  14. I wonder if deleting the alpine premium sales code from the vin would make it function as yours does... Problem with the alpine system is the crossover points and a noise cancelling mic. I hate it. Parts are on the way and my buddy and I will be installing this stuff and praying for a better sound lol. I'm a former IASCA world finalist and installer/fabricator from old circuit city days. My buddy worked for me at circuit city and is a Bestbuy Master Tech... I'll keep everyone updated on the progress. I really want to try to delete the sales code and see if it enables the speaker level outs. Guess I need to pull the unit. Get a wire harness and head to the dealer. I also have a friend that owns my dodge dealer so we can edit sales codes anytime for free
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