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2009 dodge journey awd

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About 2009 dodge journey awd

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    Canada Ontario
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  1. Re: plugs . Went to Canadian tire yesterday and inquired about plugs for the dj. they had two types ( champion that are gaped at .045) and a nother kind at .053 gap.) if i buy the plugs what should I gap them at or are they per gaped for the v6 3.5Liter engine.
  2. DJ stop idle issues for a bit yesterday ,then stated up again revving from 600rmp to 900rpms off and on. It seems to do this more when I have driven longer ( engine fan ways going on but the idle problem continues with fan not running also and engine hot (temperature gauge is needled at half way point) also on second tank of gas with another can of chevron. I know it's time for plugs.But the dj run great around town no miss and on highway plenty of power. no stalling or vibration on idle non any hesitation when put in driver.
  3. No, I was thinking about the plugs also, I guess /or would the plugs make the idle run at normal 600rpm and surge to 900rmp when backing up or having the break on at stop or idleing in park. it only does this when the DJ is warm. and it does it intermittently aver 5 secs. I guess it wouldn't hurt to remove the plugs. do I have to install the same plugs as the one on the DJ or can I just get cheaper ones. Also would the PCV value also make this happen . i don't think the PVC value has ever been changed.
  4. thanks dhh3 I put in a can of Chevron TechTron tonight and I'll work on putting another can in on the next tank of gas, Also if this doesn't work I guess a tune up is on the list.
  5. 177.200 kms which equals around 110.000 miles, would know when It had it's last tune up. but I haven't tune it up since I bought it at 113000 kms/ 66.000 miles. just changed oil avery 10.000 kms and air filter twice a year. put a can of Chevron tonight. I'll see what it does.
  6. I was wondering were the fuel filter may be located on my 2009 dodge journey 3.5L awd. And is it change able without going to a dealer.
  7. 2late4u thanks, I"ll try some gas treatment , chevron gas treatment . I have already put in a can of water remover and fuel injector cleaner ,does the cheven treatment do anything different.
  8. dhh3 , the idle started after warn up, then gets a little wers as it be hotter. It did stop for a bit one day but came back.
  9. I have a problem with my 2009 dodge Journey sxt 3.5L awd. The engine idle is not constant at stop and in reverse while holding the brake. the idle surges from a normal idle to a lower idle. the vehicle does not stall nor does it shake or vibrate. took for the throttle body and clean it. it looks like the IAC ( Idle air control valve) and TPS ( throttle positioning sensor) is one unit , all tied within one medal body. so I can't clean the IAC nor can I replace the TPS if the may be the issue/ problem. Or can this throttle body be open up? Any ideas what may be making the idle issue. No codes showing. also put a can of injector cleaner and can of water remover in the tank. still no luck with the fix.
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