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About Journeygirl2015

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  1. Can someone help, I've tried using alpha obd and the MX+ and still can't do the following. Installed all LED front and rear turn signal, reverse and brake. Turn signals still hyper flash on rear only when all lights are on. Function normal when all lights off during day. I've enabled just about every LED car configuration change there is that pertains to just each bulb. Also, what is the acceleration factor? I changed mine from filter off to 7.5(max). Car still feels normal after sitting all day.
  2. Thanks, I am going to go to Autozone after work and get the codes pulled. I am hoping that it may just be the cat issue since we are taking it tomorrow for the new recall. its a 2015 2.4l SE model. No other issues and car still has plenty of power and no performance issues.
  3. Hey everyone, While driving around this morning car was doing fine. No issues starting and running. Went to get lunch. Got back in the car, Pushed the brake and started the car. Attempted to start but quickly shut off even though all the dash lights and gauges started working. Turned everything back off, Attempted to start again but then the car started to just continue to crank and crank and crank even though i wasn't touching the brakes or the start button. I hit the start button to stop it. Then the car started up just fine but the check engine light is now on. How can I check for codes without a code reader. I am in Dallas off 75 and forest lane and my husband has a coder reader in his truck at home. I may swing by autozone on the way home. We are taking the car in tomorrow for the U67 emissions recall that just showed up but would rather not have the dealer work on this just because of the costs.
  4. Anyone know if the parts from 2009 year models will fit the 2015's? My car was hit pretty good from hail and rather than have insurance fix the work, (did shit job on husbands truck, ended up raptor lining to cover) my husband has been searching around for other year models in the charcoal grey color to replace the parts himself cheaper.
  5. Hey everyone, Who makes the 2.4l engine that is in our Journey's?
  6. Alright all, So i did confirm at the junk yard that 2015-2017 Journeys do have the same plugs for the driver seat and power is going to each. I tested on another Manual seat Journey while i was there. Only problem I ran into was the the electric seat I was testing was leather, heated and the old lady doesn't want that at all lol. We decided for 92$ buying an entire seat just for the part that we needed wasn't really that bad of a deal since you cant buy just that part in my above post. I even emailed the Company BROSE in Germany and they don't sell that part alone. You have to buy the whole bottom from Dodge at almost 600$. No thanks. IF someone was to find an electric cloth seat and wanted to change them over all you'd need to do is make sure the plugs are the same and good to go.
  7. So far what was found was that there is a spring gear in the seat that raises and lowers the seat. Something inside this part is likely broken as now it wont go up or down. I managed to get it removed from the seat and get seat all the way up for the wife, Then i had her put a little pressure to push the seat down some, reinstalled the broken gear/spring and now the seat is where we both like it since we can adjust the steering column lol. I cannot seem to find this part however, as I don't think they sell just this. I would likely have to but a new seat all together. I am working with a seller on EBay for a power seat just trying to get more pictures from them.
  8. Hey thanks. If he can't figure it out likely I will just upgrade to power seats from another 2015. Read another post on here that they were plug and play.
  9. Hey everyone, Other day I went to get into my journey and raise the seat after my husband drove and I cant get the seat to raise with the manual level. Anyone got any ideas on what might be broken? It will lower but wont come back up. is this normal? Does this happen alot?
  10. My radio has started to randomly "scan" stations and songs on my iPod. My husband reset the radio by pulling the fuse in F128 for about 20 minutes. Worked fine last night but then today it started doing it again and then would stop after about 5-10 minutes of driving.
  11. Yeah. Got the car parked in a parking garage at my dad's work. Hopefully it misses the hub's school otherwise his truck might get hit. Won't know until 7tonight
  12. No idea. We are going to park at my dad's work garage and get a ride home and to there car in the morning. Thanks again for all the help
  13. It's not for the heck of it. There is a pending CNN storm saying larger than baseball size hail for the Austin to nekraska area. Just trying to be premptive about the repairs.
  14. Hey all, what years are the journey similar styles. Like my hubby's RAM 2500 will fit any parts from 2010- until they choose to change body styles. Is this the same for the journey. Mine is a 2015.
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