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About Jason7380

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    U.S. Mississippi Valley
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  1. I am currently having this issue. While driving, the battery indication comes on. After a short period of time, I will get the ABS and traction control lights along with the airbag light. Occasionally the car will downshift itself and not want to shift at all, then everything will just start working again. The wipers started on their own. Finally the car died from what appeared to be a drained battery. I jumped the battery, which I just replaced a few days ago, and it started right back up. I am thinking that it could be an issue with my alternator, but when I got the new battery, they say they tested the alternator and that it was good.
  2. I've had this issue on my 2011 journey. It happened shortly receiving the dreaded battery indication. My question is; will a loss of power cause the lights and shifting issues. I suspect my alternator may be going out but I want to do some diagnosing before I pay a mechanic a small fortune to do so.
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