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About TheJackal

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    U.S. Great Lakes
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  1. I know, I referenced it to give an idea of what my engine sounds like.. At this time, I have setup an appointment at a different dodge dealership to have their mechanics look at it. Because I thought I could trust Dodge to have done that. As stated, I had asked them if there was "anything" wrong with the car, and they said no. I would have done as said if I had gone to some mom and pop dealership vs a dodge dealership... However, and if the engine is fubar, they should have told me when I asked. Bought it at a Dodge Dealership, and in the process of going up the chain of command as of this past afternoon. Will do, and thank you! .. Just out of curiosity, how often should this be done? Furthermore, I could perhaps be the timing belt giving the noise is coming from the left side of the engine... I can't quite tell if it's that or internal to the engine The brakes are in excellent condition, but I will check the Battery... I also have a scheduled appointment to have the car completely checked over to see what it needs, I had this planned prior to buying the vehicle ..
  2. Big difference, you knew it had problems, I was given the impression that it didn't have any problems.. I understand the buyer beware, but that is pretty difficult when you may be lied to at a dealership, especially if you know nothing about cars. A salesman selling you a vehicle without disclosure of the problems with the vehicle, especially when asked, comes off as predatory selling. I can't exactly decide if I care about the problems if I am not made aware of them..
  3. Sounds exactly like this, except not quite as loud (probably because I am not in a garage) ... : It could be this issue regarding the timing belt, but I am not a car expert..., I am pretty ignorant when it comes to cars :/ The oil, and other fluids were fine. The Engine is the 3.5L..., this to which brings up another possible problem with the engine (http://www.dodgejourneyforum.com/topic/4387-2010-dodge-journey-sxt-35liter-6speed-auto-tranny-engine-noise-with-drone-noise/). This noise is noticeable inside the car with the hood down regardless if the car is idling or not. It picks up when you give it gas and gets a bit louder. I never said it was there fault that I purchased a 6 year old vehicle.. This appears to be a question of the strawman, or bad attempt to suggest it is my fault that Dodge may have sold me a lemon. Took a look..., this is definitely not an electrical problem of this kind. In starting to think one rant wonder here. I'm sorry, some of us have jobs to be at and can't respond ever minute of the day.. If your commentary is of no help, why are you here? How loud is the ticking cuz fuel injected cars have a slight/mild ticking sound. It's the solenoid in the injector opening a valve and letting fuel spray into the cylinder. This is normal. It's usually a very sharp ticking sound. My only measurement of how loud it is, is that I can hear it inside the car with the hood shut, and that it is loud enough to hear it more than 10 feet away with the hood up.. I am not sure how loud this tick above should be, but I hope that this is what I am hearing rather than what I believe to be hearing. My father took a video of it, I will see if I can get that from him and post it.. Did you test drive it? A carfax report isnt going to tell you about repairs, its about accidents, or am I mistaken about that? Yes I test drove it, but I am not well versed in car engines. I thought it was just engine noise... Sadly I am a compute / home theater tech kinda guy, no real background in dealing with cars..., especially when I've used public transportation most of my life. :/ I also am aware that carfax doesn't give those details, my point was that I had asked my sales guy if the vehicle had any problems I should be aware of while we were looking at carfax to see if it had been in any accidents and what it's oil change history was. So no, you're not mistaken about that
  4. I had just bought this 2010 Dodge Journey from the Burnsville Minnesota Dodge dealership..., this being my first purchase of a vehicle, and I come to find that 2 days after owning the vehicle that the engine has a ticking noise. I asked my sales rep before purchasing this vehicle if it had any problems I should know about, and I was told "no" while being shown a carfax report.. What makes me even more angry is that this vehicle was sold as is while having been lied to, this now putting me out 11k just a few days after purchase >:/ I can't even exchange for a different vehicle! Now while having looked up this problem, it appears that nobody seems to have an answer as serviced vehicles are shown to redevelop the problem shortly after supposedly having been fixed, and I don't have the money to even attempt to fix it... I basically bought what is a lemon with just 86,604 miles on it. So I am left turning to this forum in hopes of actually receiving help in either getting it fixed or replaced. If this isn't fixed, I will certainly never buy another Dodge vehicle again..., selling cars with known engine problems that the consumer isn't being made aware of ought to be illegal, especially when coaxing them into buying a vehicle that has no warranted and sold "As is". That is in my book predatory selling.... I feel will be lucky to get 500 at the junk yard.. :/
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