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ZXBoy last won the day on January 23 2020

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About ZXBoy

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    Canada Ontario
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  1. ZXBoy


    Well thank you all for your great advice, the winner here is YYZ!! I pulled apart the recirculate motor and tested, (pain in the butt to get out with no stubby) that seemed to be working and not a stripped gear like some had suggested. When I was running all the vents I was almost sure that I saw the recirculate door not working. So anyway I put it all back together and to my amazement everything worked fine! so like YYZ stated the door must have been stuck and not bringing fresh air into the car. After a long test drive ZERO fogging in the car now! So we can add another fix to this repetitious problem. Thanks again for eveyone's input,
  2. ZXBoy


    Hey people, Im having an issue with my 2013 DJ with the fogging up of all the windows. I turn on the defrost and it unfogs the windows a little but the side and rear windows stay foggy. Heat and temp is blowing is fine, I have checked to see if the HVAC drain was plugged up and it was fine, I can't see any water leaking inside the cabin so I don't think there is a heatercore leak. Sometimes i do smell a funny musty smell when I change over from defrost. It is not coolent that I'm smelling, I know what that smells like. It's like water is somehow in the vent system and causing the fogging, It's just like a heatercore problem but I dont smell any coolent. Any idea's?? Thanks
  3. Hi Bramfrank, I was hoping that you were going to chime in, the USB plug does light up and seems to work fine. Its the 2012 RB5 unit, I wasn't aware that there were different updating procedures for different units. I guess that I didn't do enough homework on this upgrade...
  4. Has anyone had an issue installing updates before? I'm having a problem with it saying that there is no information on the USB, I've just installed a new radio in the Journey and I think that might have something to do with it. I called Uconnect and spoke with them and they had no answers for me... I want to install the Garmin Map updates but I don't want to pay for it if it's not going to work. I know the USB port is working because everything else works fine in it. Should I have the Dealer flash it?
  5. He's not letting me take any photos of his project guys sorry. Last time I spoke with him the motor was ordered and the Journey was almost ready for the transplant, but I think he's having some customs/border issues with parts. I still think he is a few months or more from completing this project. Maybe he's waiting for Aaron from Gas Monkey to show up or something!
  6. I just bought a refurbished radio online and installed it and got this message on the GPS... I thought I was going to have to send it back until I saw this post!!! Great work!!! I'm going to try this out tonight... I'll let you know if it works for me..
  7. That looks like the one I looked at in Barrie ON Chrysler.. I noticed that you have an Escape as well, So do I and really like both SUV's, If you asked me to chose I couldn't tell you. Enjoy your new toy!
  8. Thanks Bramfrank, I just saw your reply now but found one on Fle-Bay and bought it, If there's a problem with this one I'll be PM'ing you.
  9. Do you by chance have this unit still for sale?
  10. I know that there was a device on Youtube a while back that would enable you to cast your mobile phone to your 8.4 screen. I've tried to get intouch with the poster with no luck. Does anybody know if there is another device out there that can do this?
  11. I like them. I just bought some snows with Fast Rims!!!
  12. Hi everyone, I just thought that Id let you in on a little secret that a friend of mine is currently working on a project of inserting a Hellcat motor into a 2013 Journey... I haven't seen this done yet but Im sure that's its going to be something awsome to see!. He thinks it might take him another year to finish the project but when I get some spy photos Ill post them up.
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